Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة Ali
How to Write Your Next Story and Live a Full Life?

How to Write Your Next Story and Live a Full Life?

How to Write Your Next
Story and Live a Full Life?

There is a feedback effect in this bright quote.



“To be successful, you
have to have your heart in
your business, and your
business in your heart.”

- Thomas Watson Sr. ’ 4
This is an on-going feedback loop.

Heart Success


The more success we have, the happier our hearts shall be. Because our hearts are happier now, our business shall succeed more. Our hearts have a limited capacity for filling it with happiness; the excess happiness shall flow out; else, they shall betray us. This is the time we start suffering from the “success syndrome”. Remember that those who brag their wealth and success cannot cash their spirit with all the money filling their pockets.

Losing stability resulted in two syndromes- the success syndrome and the happiness syndrome.
Ali Anani

When happiness capacity exceeds certain limit, it becomes a constraint and the onset of bifurcation starts. The buildup of happiness accelerates and reaches a point where bifurcation starts. But the question is bifurcation to what?

Let us modify the bifurcation diagram so that it reflects on happiness of success and the syndromes of success and happiness that follow.



(fraction of 1)





he Happiness 1 4

briurcation Hag,




24 10



34 16 38 40

Happiness growth rate

We may notice that as happiness increases beyond certain rates we fall prey to its predator. This bifurcation in reality is indifferent to the well-known prey-predator relationship. The only difference is that the predator is residing inside us like plaque eating teeth.

As the rate of happiness keep increasing its greediness forfeit the value of being successful, might turn our heads with the wine of success and we lose our stability.
Ali Anani

The above conclusions are supported by literature. To give one example I refer to this article by Mark Fahey in 2015. In this article titled “Money can buy happiness, but only to a point” includes a graph that shows that the happiness gains become almost nil when annual income exceeds $200,000 a year. The closer we get to this limit, the greater is the rate of losing happiness.

Diminishing returns
The richer a family gets, the smaller the reduction in negative emotions gained by
the marginal dollar increase in household income. Gains disappear around $200,000.




—_ 95%

Marginal gains
approach zero Xn
1 1 I 1 '
income ~~ $10K 20 40 80 160

Note: X axis scale is not linear.
Source: Clingingsmith (2015): Negative Emotions, Income and Welfare CNBC

These thoughts make me question the validity of the Happiness Index and the studies relating happiness to productivity in a linear fashion. Maybe these studies need to adjust to the capacity of happiness and its discontinuity after reaching a certain level.

Do not overly-populate your heart with happiness. It shall lead to success syndrome.
Ali Anani

This is not a myth. Even if we inhale more oxygen than our bodies need can be deadly. The quote below is from Science Focus.

Pure oxygen can be deadly. Our blood has evolved to capture the oxygen we breathe in and bind it safely to the transport molecule called hemoglobin. If you breathe air with a much higher than normal O2 concentration, the oxygen in the lungs overwhelms the blood's ability to carry it away
Luis Villazon

Happiness and Unhappiness in Storytelling

One other thought that crosses my mind is novel writing. Imagine writing a story or screenplay picturing a man who suddenly becomes rich following making great profits in the stock market with a lucky event lifting the prices of shares he had. He becomes a millionaire, but then he first slowly starts to lose his character. Imagine now a feedback reinforcing loop with the richer he gets, the more unfriendly he becomes. He couldn’t care the least ending in divorcing his wife, abandoning his long-time friends, caring more for his fluffy appearance and more of appalling behaviors. These behaviors reinforce his feeling of greatness and he feels more boastful the more people desert him.

The man has reached a point where he becomes drunk with money. He spends it buying “artificial happiness”. He started to be friendly with “cosmetic people” who show beautiful smiles and he sees the smiling wolf as best friend. One day he loses all his money to a wolf that trapped him while drunk to sign papers conceding debts to him. He is now lonely, with no money, no life and wife, going naked in this world. I leave the end of the story for the reader to complete.

Imagine many loops that scale up to increase the tension in your story until the hero reaches a tipping point where she/he bifurcates into different states. She/he then finds self-living in the darkness of chaos till the hero transforms into a new emerging person.

Storytelling requires the buildup of tension emotions. Beyond the capacity of the hero of your story to accommodate emotions will cause negative effects. New paths shall emerge and the hero loses her/his way. This tension confusion shall deepen until the hero resolves it by being a new self.

If you want to know more about back loops to help you in writing your novel, how to be happy and live a full life then my previous post is for you.


Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #63

Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador Excellent explanation and verification

John Rylance

منذ 3 سنوات #62

true many a flight of fancy while seated at a desk has lead to great outcomes. It's really the phrase that grates with me.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #61

I may call it the journey on the desk

John Rylance

منذ 3 سنوات #60

#63 #63 I put a slightly different spin on it. It is at the destination we often celebrate the trek in all its facets. Though I would avoid the overused phrase/cliche "we've been on a journey" usually said by those who have never left their office desk.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #59

Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador There is a jewel embedded in your comment. It is your writing " Mankind's determination to be happy can make us unhappy". I agree. This is why we criticise rigid goals because we focus on them with determination to achieve them. We forget to collect the gems of the journey.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #58

LinkedIn has just notified me that this post is trending Congrats, your post has been trending in #creativity It is more the success of readers than it is mine View hashtag

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #57

Dear Edward Lewellen I appreciate your sharing of your comment here. Today at noon time- six hours from now= I shall publish a post on The Paradox of Breathing Assumptions" In this post, I refer to three comments shared here by you, CityVP Manjit on LinkedIn. The post shall give due respect and appreciation to all of your comments. I thank you my friend for being so alert to your friend's request.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #56

Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador I am curious to know of what you may add to the already illuminating comments here.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #55

CityVP Manjit What a"pearl" to string to this post ... thank you for sharing and your excellent summarizing of "Giant"

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #54

CityVP Manjit What a hair-raising comment! I Love it overwhelmingly. It reflects what I discussed in this post about happiness and success.If course I am going to visit the link in your comment. I am just curious. Your comment speaks to my heart and mind and I am thrilled by it. Sometimes luck knocks on the doors who don't deserve it or worthy of appreciating its value. Thank you so much my friend.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 3 سنوات #53

One of the things that great movies do well is, allow a characterization of the principles outlined in this post. The movie "Giant" starring James Dean, Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor comes to mind. Rock Hudson is a Texas rancher and he see's ranching as his family heritage. James Dean plays the role of a farm hand who was given a plot of land by the family, never realizing what that land would mean when it comes to unexpected wealth. In the film there is a tension between Rock Hudson's character and James Dean's character. It comes to a head when one day James Dean comes covered in oil to the main house, and he exalts "My well came in!" and "I'm a rich boy" because he strikes oil in what seemed a worthless strip of land given to him for pure emotional value. Giant Movie Clip - Striking Oil Of course such success as we like to think of it but as the story flows from that point on, things get worse and worse. James Dean character Jet creates more and more unhappiness while success keeps multiplying. In this scene above there is a very good line that signals the shift from farm hand to tycoon and from a ranch at peace with itself to a war between two emerging ego's between Hudson's character and Dean's character Jet. That line is a classic one spoken as advice to Rock Hudson's character "you should have killed him a long time ago, now he is too rich to kill". These movies are allegories regarding the relationship between happiness and success and they serve as portrayals of this reality, which you outlined here.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #52

The comments of Edward Lewellen here and on LinkedIn on this post drew my attention to our breathing efficiency. Today as I read a post re-shared by @Charlotte Wittenkamp on LinkedIn prompted me to do some research on quality of breathing. This topic turns to be very important as our breathing patterns are affected by how emotionally we feel. For example over-anxiety and fears by the corona virus tend to make our breathing shallow. This isn't a full breathing. Maybe we need to pay more attention to this vital relationship between emotions and how we breathe.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #51

I am all in smiles John Rylance Apparently, when we get old we tend to use "reverse thinking" more often.

John Rylance

منذ 3 سنوات #50

#48 I used to say I don't multitask I delegate. Since retirement there are few people to whom I can delegate. Now I say if you want something to do it yourself.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #49

CityVP Manjit I am a smiles because this time of the year Jordan is sunny. The weather forecast for tomorrow is heavy rain and floods- not even passing drops of rain. Yes, life is like a running and flowing waters. Please allow me my friend to share my comment addressed to you and readers on same post on beBee Edward Lewellen wrote a subsequent comment on LinkedIn that addresses the role of carbon dioxide in our bodies. In his comment Edward wrote "As you pointed out, too much oxygen isn’t a good thing, though, it seems to be the first thing doctors want to give people. Those with lung diseases, like COPD and asthma, are put on pure oxygen as it would seem logical that is what they need. However, in order to open the small alveolar, they actually need carbon dioxide. Those preparing for being in high altitudes use devices to simulate this effect. Those with lung diseases can die from not having enough carbon dioxide because the lungs will eventually close up and suffocate them with too much oxygen". I responded in part " I simply fell in love with your comment. Sometimes what kills us saves us. The lack of carbon dioxide may cause death as you described beautifully in your comment. Sometimes our enemies are our rescuers. What a paradox this is!" I thank you Manjit for allowing the reader to read your yhoughtshere as well.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 3 سنوات #48

This is the comment posted originally on LinkedIn and posted here as requested (I have realigned the paragraphs to suit the beBee comment display) Absolutely love this piece. It is an injection of fresh air when we need that kind of oxygen. That is where the metaphor of oxygen is the only thing I would see different. For me oxygen does keep us alive but also in terms of quality of life, it has impacts in the brain. Without oxygen there is severe damage to the brain, the same does not apply with emotion. Too much oxygen can lead to nausea, confusion, sleep issues and so that is not good for the brain. For sure emotions can speed and slow blood-flow so there can be a metaphorical link with emotions, but the greater association for me is overall flow - and in that emotion is one part of that mix. We need our mind to manage emotions, we need our thinking aligned with our lungs - breath is affected by our mentality and it is our mind that is a measure of our emotion, sending signals to alter our breathe, our heat beat and our reactions. To master our emotions we need to measure the oxygen level of our thoughts and that includes regulation by the pre-frontal cortex, so this flow includes the importance of reason. Of course there is a song that says "love is like oxygen" so for sure there is a metaphorical link to emotions alone - but thoughts drive us.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #47

Fay Vietmeier I had only a very faint hope my dear poetry mentor. When you reach my age you shall find that multi-tasking is more possible. But mind you I do a task till almost completed. I leave it aside and then revisit. If there is a secret it is what I revealed.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #46

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Good things come to those who wait ;~) I hope you were not expecting our collaboration be published "last evening" ;~) Now again here is my problem ... I thoughtful read and thoughtfully respond and my attention is diverted ;~) I am in wonder at your ability to multi-task ;~)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #45

Fay Vietmeier beBee has hives. Posts are like mini scaled hives. Your comments both are like a bee and flower. The bee needs the nectar of the flowery comment and the flower needs the bee to spread its seeds. I tell you you both produced honey-like comments.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #44

Fay Vietmeier Yes, indeed, but we have to reach one peak to reach the next one. In thermodynamics this is described as a meta-stable state- it is not a permanent one and is awaiting to move to a better stable one.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #43

CityVP Manjit You wrote a great comment on this post on LinkedIn. It is different and offers new perceptions. I don't know if spontaneity was enough that you would write a post. I wish if you would share your comment here as well. As much as it is useful to share a post on two platforms; it is also negating having all comments under one roof (one home). Best regards to you my friend.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #42

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Balance is essential in life ... in "success" and especially in climbing "mountains" "but there are higher peaks for me to reach." ... or perhaps a different "mountain"

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #41

Fay Vietmeier Oh dear friend yes we meet at our sweet home. I was hoping last night to see the joint poem published with a backdrop story. This is because I wanted to include an example on how this poem was born. It is the feedback effect between two people who meet everywhere except physically. Yet; the feedback effect in small steps by tweaking and nudging the lyrics a poem emerged. So, yes, it belongs here.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #40

John Rylance Great comments John Reading what you said about pain reminds me that "pain" is part of the growth process it has been said that "pain is the only instrument sharp enough to cause growth" Lovely ... Everyone wants happiness ... No one wants pain But you can't have a rainbow ... Without rain "All sunshine makes a desert" ~ Arab proverb

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #39

Roberto De la Cruz Utria as clear as your comment is- like spring waters transparent and reflective. If the waters drop on a body it shall magnify the underneath so that we may see what wasn't obvious to us.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #38

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I think this belongs here my dear professor Again we meet ... in "sweet home sweet" Capacity we both repeat ;~) The more you use ... the more you receive This is a truth ... one must fully believe ;~) "The heart is the well-spring of life" The condition & capacity of your heart will greatly determine how you see the world ... how you live your life ... what you love ... how you love (this is not romance ;~) rather based on personal values ... what you aspire to And repeating what I said to Harvey Lloyd: You have hit a nail here "state of being" (this is something I'm writing about ... the subject rests in draft my "pearl-holder" folder ;~) The other thought that comes to mind is what one finds of value ... how one defines "success" And then there is Source & Standard ;~)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #37

Roberto De la Cruz Utria Life is not a movie cinema where exaggeration is needed to pull the audiences' attention and keep them on their feet. Fantasy is needed , but not for prolonged times. I welcome your super comment my friend.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #36

Harvey Lloyd You are such a wise man Harvey ... "In my levels system these words emerge form our "shadow", spirit soul, choose your word here. If your deepest self sees success within money, people, wisdom or righteousness, then the words used here describe a state of being that will emerge from these shadow properties. This is an understanding and not a condemnation.' You have hit a nail here "state of being" (this is something I'm writing about ... the subject rests in draft my "pearl-holder" folder ;~) The other thought that comes to mind is what one finds of value ... how one defines "success" And then there is Source & Standard ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #35

Harvey Lloyd What you say here is, as my Irish friend always says ... "rightly ordered" so on point: "Suppose we built people within our organization to be the best they could be and success emerged from that effort? Our happiness would be drawn from a relationship that is self maintain instead of success that only i can maintain. The cycle of happiness erodes the further we get away form the value of relationships." Here is a principle that has been a Guide: LOVE people and use money Don't love MONEY ... and use people

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #34

Roberto De la Cruz Utria I miss your solid comments my friend

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #33

well-said and explained. Thank you John Rylance

John Rylance

منذ 3 سنوات #32

#26 There will always be more questions than answers, since there is no need for an answer to exist until the question is asked. We all have questions we want to ask, but haven't yet, so somewhere there are answers waiting for us to discover them.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #31

While doing some research I came across this reference of Causal Loops Diagrams (CLD). In this reference the author shows the loops for reality and the loops for perception and how they differ. It is an interesting read

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #30

Harvey Lloyd Even more than one question may emerge. This is the case with people who search for the truth. They ask for what? When? How? For whom? Which? Why

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #29

Harvey Lloyd Authenticity in the SCARF Model requires just what you said "I think each person needs to formulate their own definition of success. With out this definition then someone else is writing the definition for you", Agreed

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #28

John RylanceYour comment is a great example of how mindsets change the perception to the same phenomenon/ It is these perceptions that lead us into different paths in this life. "Firstly Pain, sportsman in training talk about feeling the burn ( pain) in a effort to get fitter etc., marathon runners often reach the pain barrier which they strive to break through to complete the course. Over coming the pain is their success, I am not sure it always brings them happiness". I simply love this example because it defines antifragility in an almost perfect way. Should Nassim Taleb read your example I bit he would "steel" it. You remind me of what old times in which a famous Arab poet said "the wounds of those who I love are painless". Well, if you ever caused me any pain I tell you it was painless. AGain, perception shapes our thoughts and our actions and what comes next.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #27

Harvey Lloyd Believe me we reach the same conclusions even though we have different backgrounds. I have a background in thermodynamics of chemical reactions and these are the shadow that steer my thinking. That is why I enjoy talking to people like you because you approach the same issue differently. This is what opens our eyes to emerging possibilities. "Time can be leveraged when we see what the day offers rather than transforming the day into our picture". Here is an example where we are in agreement. The day is a journey and every minute is a learning opportunity. I need to feedback to myself and adapt. It is this discovery journey that makes it enjoyable. If I consider the minute as an individual then the interaction of these minutes may lead to the emergence of new phenomena and striking ones sometimes. I want to say like humans time is and we can leverage it if we learn from the individual minutes that we live.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #26

With each answer comes new questions, answer well.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #25

In a message that I sent to my mind-teaser Harvey Lloyd "A buffer I use to tame my ego is the more I know, the lesser I know for I realize how much more I don't know". You see I broke the vicious loop this way. With all honesty, I have never thought of this explanation before".

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #24

Leadership is not easy. I would state that time and perseverance are usually the culprits at the alter of failure. We spend to much time on the wrong question or we lose patience with outcomes and move into command and control structures, "Do what i say.". I think each person needs to formulate their own definition of success. With out this definition then someone else is writing the definition for you.

John Rylance

منذ 3 سنوات #23

Further thoughts on Pain Rain and Happiness.. Firstly Pain, sportsman in training talk about feeling the burn ( pain) in a effort to get fitter etc., marathon runners often reach the pain barrier which they strive to break through to complete the course. Over coming the pain is their success, I am not sure it always brings them happiness. Secondly Rain and Rainbows, can viewed in two ways. Farmers/Gardeners welcome rain for their crops, plants etc. The rainbow. If it appears marks their relief/happiness at the soil is watered. Others see the rainbow as marking the end of a period of wet dismal activity limiting period, particularly as invariably the sun shines again. Thirdly yes we all enjoy being happy, but reach that state from varying directions. Often people say No Pain No Gain. The pain can come in many forms, but for each of us there is, I believe, one feeling that denotes happiness.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #22

I read in a book a long time ago about how humans wake up in the morning and paint a mental picture of the day. It is this picture we defend or support all day long. What if we new the goals and the relationships to encourage and allowed the day to paint the picture. Certainly we need structure in the day but by so ridge within its creation we may miss other opportunities along the way. This kinda gets back to our introduction of time in your other post. Time can be leveraged when we see what the day offers rather than transforming the day into our picture. I like where you are headed with the thought. But each of us must describe the systems your refer to. In my systems i include win-win, encouraging others to success, critical thinking (Not letting my emotions determine facts, doesn't always work). With goals stated, vision in hand and these systems, we can now focus on execution (Conscious) and strive for all to improve in a win win environment, exponentially enhancing the sum of parts.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #21

Harvey Lloyd No, your point is sensible for until we define what success does to it we don't know what shall emerge. Your comment suggests that success can create win-win for all parties. Only great leaders may achieve this. However; if success inflames self-pride and ego of being the knowledgeable one then it serves no good purpose. Jonathan's Seagull is a shining example. Only when the the seagull realized that it wasn't enough for self to fly higher and more importantly to persuade other seagulls to fly higher the book became a best seller for three years. The book is an example of responsible leadership. The leading bird didn't give orders, but rather persuaded other birds to fly higher. The leader used touching phrases to do such as "Those birds who fly highest see the furthest". This is an example of what leadership is all about.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #20

Yes they do because of their reinforcing attractions Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris When they do something emerges if they are reinforcing each other in a loop.What emerges is unknown until it emerges. If not, why than call it emergence? Good point my friend.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #19

I may have been presumptuous in my definition of success. If we are to associate happiness with success, then success would have to be enduring, easily maintained and not totally associated with outcomes. So when i state success in the realm of well being it deals more with engagement with family, social and community. The outcome based success supports this success. Not the other way around. So forgive my presumption and yes if happiness is based on outcome based success then there is a tipping point where serving success is counter productive to maintaining happiness.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 3 سنوات #18

Could it be that happiness and success are both emergent properties of a system (IDK how else to call it) that is a) conscious b) striving to improve (i.e. it is evolving) c) manifesting something beyond the two ?

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #17

Harvey Lloyd If success and happiness keep feeding back to each other (reinforcing relationship) then we have exponential growth that shall sway us away from our balance. The way out is to break this loop. This means either by creating a gap between the two (such as time gap) or by introducing a third and balancing loop. For example, if success causes me to be happy and then I say to myself but there are higher peaks for me to reach. I create a balancing loop The more success I have the more new success peaks are awaiting for me then I buffer my happiness and keep myself in balance. I hope this would help in explaining my point.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #16

Thank you dear friend Mohammed Abdul Jawad for being such a supporter. Ramadan Karim dear brother.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #15

John Rylance Great quote and this is interesting. I agree with the first line. Just peering more in its depth of beauty we rephrase as such because there is rain a rainbow emerged. This means that our source of happiness the rainbow) emerged from the complexity of light interacting with rain. This observation brings me back to the comments of Harvey Lloyd happiness is an emerging property. This is consistent with your stating John that for most people the rainbow is their source of happiness As for the second line I too disagree. Rain and pain are the two sides f the coin. You can't have one without the other. Thank you John for your splendid comment.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #14

Harvey Lloyd In my levels system these words emerge form our "shadow", spirit soul, choose your word here Before I dig deeper in your comment is there a missing word in the above quote of yours. I can say safely here you state that happiness aa an emerging factor as per Carl Jung[s definition. Well, in the green diagram in the post it shows clearly that the happiness syndrome is an emergent property. Yes, I am in full agreement with you.

John Rylance

منذ 3 سنوات #13

Everyone wants happiness No one wants pain But you can't have a rainbow Without rain Quote from Kay Downie I agree with the first line. The second I'm not sure masocists or sadists would agree. Since they are happy either enduring or inflicting pain. The third and forth most would agree with. I certainly am happy when I see a rainbow it usually means the rain has stopped. Individually we all have things that bring us happiness, some we share with others some we don't.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #12

Not to drag the Jungian thoughts to a the post, but i guess i am..... We can use many terms to describe a levels system i just happen to like Carl Jung's. The words being used here, Satisfaction, happiness and others all are emergent from something. It would be nice if i could just be______________, fill in the blank. In my levels system these words emerge form our "shadow", spirit soul, choose your word here. If your deepest self sees success within money, people, wisdom or righteousness, then the words used here describe a state of being that will emerge from these shadow properties. This is an understanding and not a condemnation. In leadership we have to recognize that competition in the form of shadow concepts emerging into our ego will destroy a company. A diverse team is great as long as we do not promote this competition. Five people seeking satisfaction from very different shadow motivations will become a future train wreck. If not lead well. Each of the words we use to describe these emergent properties of the human paradigm have motivation. Understanding this motivation and how to harness it is the key to wisdom.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #11

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris This is the reason I mentioned in my post that the Happiness Index that is measured for nations periodically, for example, needs to be verified. I refer you to the comment of Harvey Lloyd#8 and my response for more details. Surely, happiness is a state of mind. But doesn't this state define in a way what we consider success. In the post I highlighted in the storytelling example how the relationship of the hero was negatively affected and still he continued on this path. The result-Harvey said it "The cycle of happiness erodes the further we get away form the value of relationships:

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #10

Harvey Lloyd In complexity science we care mostly for the relationships among actors. That is what we pursue essentially.You wrote "The cycle of happiness erodes the further we get away form the value of relationships". Absolutely and your explanation is wise, sensible and mature.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 3 سنوات #9

Happiness for me is a state of mind, not just an emotional response. For the latter, I prefer the terms "contentment" or "satisfaction" both of which deserve their own analysis. Anyway, success can also be viewed similarly since every person seems to have a somewhat different definition of success. Success for me may be something like "being able to live to my full potential" but for someone else, it may be something along the lines of "having as much money and influence as possible." Just a thought...

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #8

I believe you have tapped into the theory of humans and the second law of thermal dynamics. Everything is in a state of decay. The more you have the more decay, the more maintenance. You become a slave to your own success, due to this law. But what if we saw success as an emergent property and not a fundamental property? Suppose we built people within our organization to be the best they could be and success emerged from that effort? Our happiness would be drawn from a relationship that is self maintain instead of success that only i can maintain. The cycle of happiness erodes the further we get away form the value of relationships.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #7

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris Just received notification of your reshare of the post. I am grateful to you

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #6

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris I am so grateful to you to highlight the happiness loop. I find it very useful to visualize intangibles for better understandings. "I have a different definition of happiness but I can see your point"- please do share it when you have time. I a interested to know more.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 3 سنوات #5

Very insightful article full of thought-provoking ideas. I have a different definition of happiness but I can see your point. It's funny how seemingly independent concepts, such as (what is referred to as) happiness and success can be intertwined in this loop of sorts. I'd like to write more about this but I need to get back to this technical book I'm reviewing right now. Cheers!

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #4

Harvey Lloyd I wonder what you think of this post!

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #3

My dear Debasish Majumder I am very grateful for you dear friend for all what you do and resharing this post.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #2

Fay Vietmeier I it that you shall have at least two ideas to add to your famous The Draft Folder. You don't need to focus on the graphs. The text will do.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #1

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris I hope this post will be easy to read

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منذ 3 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة

It amazes me the life lessons we learn from nature. One great lesson is our tendency to “breathe ass ...

منذ 3 سنوات · 5 دقائق وقت القراءة

Is trading ideas in meetings similar to trading stocks in stock markets? · Can the stock markets be ...

منذ 3 سنوات · 1 دقائق وقت القراءة

My exchange of comments and her temptation for me to write lyrics Fay Vietmeier this post emerged. W ...

المتخصصون ذوو الصلة

قد تكون مهتمًا بهذه الوظائف

  • MIS - Al Moammar Information Systems Co.

    Technical Writer

    تم العثور عليها في: DrJobEn JO A2 - منذ 6 أيام

    MIS - Al Moammar Information Systems Co. Amman, الأردن

    Work with internal teams to obtain an in-depth understanding of the product and the documentation requirements · • Produce high-quality documentation that meets applicable standards and is appropriate for its intended audience both in Arabic and English. · • Analyse existing and ...

  • MARRIOTT International


    تم العثور عليها في: DrJobEn JO A2 - منذ يومين

    MARRIOTT International Amman, الأردن

    Position Summary · Operate and monitor washing, dry cleaning, and drying machinery, including adding chemicals and cleaning lint traps. · Identify stained or damaged items and determine status for repair, spot treatment, rewash, or discard. Inspect cleanliness of articles removed ...

  • ABS

    POS technical support

    تم العثور عليها في: DrJobEn JO A2 - منذ 6 أيام

    ABS Amman, الأردن

    Responsibilities: · Install and configure Point of Sale system on customer devices · Test and deliver Point of Sale System to customer · Identify and correct problems uncovered by testing or customer feedback. · Contribute to the development of new solutions through design testin ...