Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة Ali
Simple Laws with Counter Effects

Simple Laws with Counter Effects

Simple Laws with
Counter Effects

Ali Anani, PhD

If your care for your family life, performance at work and healthy living then this post may interest you.

Simplify is a good thing. Is oversimplification desirable?

Incentivizing employees with money, is it incentivizing?

Focus your measurement on one indicator, even if simplifying procedures, but does it pay dividends?

The more training a trainee receives, the better she/he gets, how true is this in spite of the simplicity of this guiding rule?

Let me explain above questions with real stories.

A rich man promised a huge bonus for any player who scores against the counter team in a derby soccer match. The team lost with a heavy score.

The breakdown of an instrument caused delays to the employees using it in a drug manufacturing company. The productivity of these employees went down and so their money incentives. The company later decided to buy a new instrument. Things settled for a while, but the breakdown of the instrument recurred painfully more than before.

The management of a company being aware of the cost of turnover of employees decided to keep only the divisions heads who managed to keep the turnover rate below 10%. A year later, the company went bankrupt.

A father fed up with the performance of his son in math decided to bring him a private tutor. The sons’ grade improved. The father then decided to recruit more teachers to teach his son at home. The grades downgraded.
A company decided to recruit the services of few influencers to increase the sales of their products. The company benefited little and could not recover the cost of the influencers.

Are the above examples too different to share same causes of e problems? Alternatively, is there a common denominator among them?

There are two simple rules to answer the above questions. If you have not already been familiar with then it is time to be.

When the rich man promised a huge reward for any player who scored a goal, he assumed he was doing the team a favor. It did not work because every player wanted the reward for himself. The team cohesion disintegrated and instead of the players playing as one team then segregated into eleven teams. They lost.

Focusing on one measure is what I call “The measure effect”, in emulation of the “observation effect”. It makes the measure a negative one blinding the management of maneuvers the employees produce discretely to offset the measure.

What the rich man did was that he focused the attention of the players on one measure of success. That is self-scoring as many goals as possible. Intentions if good use of a measure that worked in opposite direction to the intention.

When we focus our attention on one measure, we corrupt it. This is the Goodhart's law

The paradox of focusing

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serves only to scatter



This is true for many of the examples above. In the case of focusing the attention on one measure such as the turnover rate, the resulting corruption led to the bankruptcy of the company.

You may ask why. Well, the answer is that the division heads became obsessed and focused on reducing the turnover rate. The employees soon realized that and went loose. They did not report on time, their conflicts increased and their productivity went down. They knew they were safe because the division’s heads were busy with keeping their positions safe.

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The cases of the equipment breakdown, private tuition and training examples again the same law is playing its shadowing effect along with another law, the law of Shriky Principle. This law states that Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution.

The real problem with the breakdown of the equipment in the pharmaceutical company was that the employees did not know how to take care of the equipment. This led to its failure. Instead of “fixing” the employees, the company worked on fixing the instrument in vain.

The same issue is with the student. Instead of his father enhancing his self-desire to learn he decided to “fix” his son by bringing private teachers. The teachers shall be happier to give more lessons to gain more money.

Judging the success of training workers by the number of employees trained spoiled the measure and invited the Shirky principle to operate behind the scene.

“Fixing” workers by more training is less effective than enhancing their capacity for self-rewarding by self-learning.

For example, in case the son was mine, I would make buy short videos for him to learn by himself. Even better option was to show him how to make the videos by himself. This way he feels that any improvement is his own-making and he shall thrive on making little progress. He then feels the value of self-rewarding.

Using one measure such as the customer net promotion score, customer net effort score and customer life value score is counter-productive They all share focusing on one measurement only to spoil the measure and thus leading to misleading results.

In politics, setting as a rule that decisions shall only be approved by consensus might sound fair at the first insight. Fairness was intended. It was later discovered that consensus seeking permits a minority faction to control a majority.

The Paradox of [ILO


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fairness only ended TTLLE GEE

Beware of simple issues that may have considerable back counter effects. We intend to get certain results from focusing on a measure only to end worse than we started with. Beware of “innocent” intentions that may lead us astray.

I dedicate this post to Carrie P. Cohen because it was her very thoughtful comments about intentions on my last post shared on LinkedIn that generated the impulse to write this post.


Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #59

Thank you Pascal Derrien for your reshare.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #58

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee In my dreams, I don't need to think it through ... send doubly true ... sweet DREAMS to you ;~)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #57

Fay Vietmeier My caring friend- thank you amd may all your sweet dreams come true

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #56

I received minutes notification from LinkedIn informing me this post is trending: Congrats, your post has been trending in #creativity Congrats, your post has been trending in #creativity View hashtag Many thanks to you great readers

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #55

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I had a dream that I shared this wisdom ;~) ... to be sure I opened my eyes and took action ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #54

Ali 🐝 Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee "Then a dream just showed me the way." ... thanks for sharing that glimpse of your time in Turkey ... and about your Egyptian friend whose dog helped him fascinating ... reminds me how easy it is to miss the forest among the trees

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #53

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee True my dear professor ;~) Language is as complex as people ... the words we use And then there's HOW we say words ... another layer of complexity ;~)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #52

I meant thank you in my previous comment. Sorry my friend Fay Vietmeier. My keyboard needs replacement, apparently.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #51

Fay Vietmeier That you for your rich feedback. You r comment is consistent with what our our friend keeps saying that many words don't have a generally agreed upon definition. If I remember correctly he was referring to care and how people may understand it. Yes, the word is included in the dictionary over the internet, but not the dictionary attached to Winword in my computer (Version 10). Again, I thank you dear for your elaboration.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #50

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee ... did a quick "Google" brokenness (ˈbrəʊkənnəs) noun the quality of being broken Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 brokenness Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms, Encyclopedia. bro·ken (brō′kən) verb Past participle of break. adj. 1. Forcibly separated into two or more pieces; fractured: a broken arm; broken glass. 2. Sundered by divorce, separation, or desertion of a parent or parents: children from broken homes; a broken marriage. 3. Having been violated: a broken promise. 4. a. Incomplete: a broken set of books. b. Being in a state of disarray; disordered: troops fleeing in broken ranks. 5. a. Intermittently stopping and starting; discontinuous: a broken cable transmission. b. Varying abruptly, as in pitch: broken sobs. c. Spoken with gaps and errors: broken English. 6. Topographically rough; uneven: broken terrain. 7. a. Subdued totally; humbled: a broken spirit. b. Weakened and infirm: broken health. 8. Crushed by grief: died of a broken heart. 9. Financially ruined; bankrupt. 10. Not functioning; out of order: a broken washing machine.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #49

Harvey Lloyd Hello my bee-friend ;~) your comments always reveal reason & wisdom ... I learn from you each time I read ;~) You say: “We all hold unique experiences ... a very diverse opinion of right and wrong” ... Very true. When I express myself in words ... I am also stating what “I believe to be true” ... with all my being. (IMHO ;~) Now all human opinion is just that: human opinion I love TRUTH ... I desire Truth ... with all my being. Truth holds everything together. You ask: “Did you choose a source of determining right and wrong or have we accepted the very evolutionary means of media, experience or professors who handed us the solution we hold? “Right” or “wrong” is NOT determined by any human being ... although its understanding is in our hearts ... divinely written there ... it is part of our DNA The Source & Standard of "right" and "wrong" ... is Almighty God 2) Now as I write ... I am reminded the title of this post is about “simple laws” (although no spiritual focus in the laws mentioned) Early in human history God gave man “simple laws” ... actually just 10 “The 10 Commandments” They Laws were given as a guide for humanity ... but impossible to keep Which is why Christ was needed. Christ fulfilled the Law ... brought a new Covenant of grace...forgiveness of sin “God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with its regulations (the Law) ... that was against us & stood opposed to us; He took it away, nailing it tio the cross.” ~ Colossians 2 I share this link because there are many translations of this verse: (I love the Message “MSG” translation ... in plain speak and simple to understand)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #48

Fay Vietmeier During my attendance to the Middle East Technical University in Ankara more than forty years ago for almost a year and then living there for three more months and visits that exceeded thirty visit I learnt a little bit of the Turkish language through listening and dialogue.. Surprisingly, one of the first words I learnt was arslan. You keep surprising me. hat attracted my most attention in your comment is this "until the form of a lion appeared to him in a dream one night". It just amazes me how we humans get rewarded for our sustained efforts and reach a point where we get close to despair a dream suddenly solves the problem. Same with how I got my first graduate degree when the research problem took me to almost a dead end. Then a dream just showed me the way. I recall an Egyptian friend of mine who earned a scholarship to pursue his PhD in electrical engineering.. During that time (early seventies) and the computer has not evolved and his PhD required him to form a new electric network. For four years all his work ended in complete failure. His scholarship was about to be withdrawn. A peer student kept encouraging him. He decided to get married. One day they took their dog for a walk. It was spring rain and the clay was muddy. Suddenly, the dog started roaming and guess what? The dog showed him how to complete his circuit. That was the end of his frustration and few months later he got married and his book based on his PhD work sold thousands of copies. Keep dreaming my friend.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #47

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee “The more we zoom in, the more we discover.” ~ Ali My dearest Professor ... I read a quote today that connected your very wise quote with another very wise quote ... so I’m sharing it It was an ILLUMINATION connection ;~) “Aslan,” said Lucy, “you’re bigger.” “That is because you are older, little one,” answered he. “Not because you are?” “I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.” ~ Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia (1951)/ The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis This is an insight about God. “every year you grow, you will find me bigger” If you are not familiar with the books Aslan is the only character to appear in all seven books of the Chronicles of Narnia. Aslan represents Jesus Christ, according to the author, C. S. Lewis, who uses the allegory in the books that Aslan is the Lion and the Lamb, which also says in the Bible about God.  Lewis originally did not intend for Aslan to appear in any of the books, until the form of a lion appeared to him in a dream one night.  Lewis attempts to convey something of the ineffable mystery of the divine by frequently reminding his readers that "Aslan is not a tame lion."  The words "aslan" and "arslan" are Turkish for "lion".,in%20the%20Bible%20about%20God.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #46

Fay Vietmeier SO we go from broken to brokenness as the bankruptcy of the soul> I noticed that brokenness isn't in the dictionary. It comes mostly from churches. I just to be well-informed. Thank you both.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #45

Fay Vietmeier Thank you dear friend. Yes, i was referring to this outstanding post. Actually, maybe your best post

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #44

Fay Vietmeier My commentary is mostly above what i believe to be true. But brokenness and behaviors that do not promote community and well-being are upon all of us regardless of the solution each may choose. The choice of what is right and what is wrong must be established. We are in a laboratory right now with this thought. If we have two boards each a unique length how do we determine the length and will it fit in the space allotted? We have an agreed upon measuring system and a tool that declares the appropriate board. This is a simple way to look at brokenness but i am hoping that we can understand the complexity of the topic. How we adapt and overcome our brokenness has implications beyond whether we fit in an allotted space. Did you choose a source of determining right and wrong or have we accepted the very evolutionary means of media, experience or professors who handed us the solution we hold? We all hold unique experiences, colleges, parents and present a very diverse opinion of right and wrong. Any solution would need to help everyone share the chosen solution. Mandated behavior from the administrative government is no answer. Make no mistake though the brokenness will submit itself when it lacks controls of a community that has not declared its values.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #43

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Harvey Lloyd (part 2) ... There is an unspoken “broken” ... that goes to the root ... goes to our very core ... to the origin of the human condition We not use the word “sin” very often. In my own (simplistic) way of thinking I often interchange sin & brokenness We sin because we are “broken” ... not whole ... in need of healing We die because we are born into a broken world ... “broken” creatures because of this sin condition God has a plan of salvation ... to restore mankind to Himself ... to heal creation This is why we need a Redeemer ... a Savior There is ongoing “war” (battle) within between the flesh of a man & the spirit of man We must become awakened to the condition we are in ... understand how we got here ... ... discover if there is a way to change this broken” condition?... It is written: "For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the One who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” Romans 8:19-21 (the full chapter reveals more)

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #42

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Harvey Lloyd My dear Professor and dear wise bee, Harvey (so glad that I read through some of these comments or I would have missed the @me contained here about brokenness) When you say Ali: "humans are broken fractals" (I presume you’re referencing my post: “The Fractal State of Humanity” From Latin: fractal means “broken” “Humans are living breathing fractals” ~Ben Weiss Ben Weiss reasons in the video (in the post) that: “It could be the brain is not a fractal but the mind is” Physically & spiritually we are fractals ... Human beings are “broken” “Broken” in spirit “Broken” in our physical body “Broken” in our soul (mind-will-emotions) these are explained in the post: (part 1)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #41

John Rylance Mat be better to dispense of coffee altogether. Measures based on one variable can be deceptive and the statistics based on them. Focusing on one measure is in my opinion a state of disequilibrium because we may overlook the side effects of it as the post shows. BTW- I admire your imagination fertility

John Rylance

منذ 3 سنوات #40

I was drawn to your comments around coffee junk. The first thing that's sprange to mind was one my favourite quotes from T S Elliott's poetry. "Measure out my life in coffee spoons". One I use when I'm asked what I'm doing in retirement. In light of comments I may have to re-evaluate, not least because Coffee Shops are currently closed during "lockdown" Secondly if measurement is dangerous where does that leave Statistics. Maybe lies dam lies and statistics is a truism. What's left to believe in? Oh well back to the coffee pot, if you can find out the future in tea leaves, maybe the answer lies in coffee grounds.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #39

Thank you dear Debesh Choudhury. A post that makes te reader to think is what I aspire for as an author. I don't try to impose my thinking on others; I just want the readers to probe the inner meanings. So, I am really pleased with your comment.

Debesh Choudhury

منذ 3 سنوات #38

I am thinking about the texts you wrote here Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee .. The texts seem simple but got some inner meaning I am trying to comprehend.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #37

Thank you dear Mohammed Abdul Jawad for your reshare of the post.Most grateful to you

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #36

Fay Vietmeier My dear "beautiful broken fractal"- you know that it is impossible to measure a fractal. For example, the coast of England will vary according to the measuring tool used. The more we zoom in, the more we discover. There are things that we can't measure and we can't control. Can we control the behavior of herding cats?? We allude ourselves to think in terms of controlling the uncontrollable.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #35

Dear Fay Vietmeier Great to hear from you. I thank you for your appreciation. Yes, greed is going to the extreme and to the edge of chaos before rewarding its owner with irreversible and hard-to-take disruptions.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #34

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee If focusing is a paradox ... so is measure “Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.” —  H. James Harrington Unfortunately, there’s also strong evidence that measurements can be dangerous. In fact, it’s incredibly difficult to come up with incentives or measurements that do not have some kind of perverse effect. As you pointed out so well & so diversely The “common denominators” that I see in your examples: People ... all of whom are uniquely different: ... they will perform differently ... they respond to incentives & challenges differently ... there are almost always factors outside of control or influence involved

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #33

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee ... a mind-stirring excellent post my dear Professor ... This made me SMILE: The Shriky Principle. This law states that Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution. This principle is attributed to Clay Shirky ... but I think his brilliance was preceded by Governments ;~) GREED is its own reward ... the incentives ENDLESS ;~)

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #32

Thank You dear Greg Rolfe

Greg Rolfe

منذ 3 سنوات #31

This was interesting in more than one way. Thank you sir!

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #30

The energy of Thinking is an idea that has just emerged in my mind. It is our thinking that lead to our actions. Chaotic thinking is like a gas molecules wandering randomly. Either we super heat it to get plasma out of it, or we freeze it to the old fashioned thinking. "They merely spray energy into the wind in hopes it blows the fire out"- just wonderful

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #29

fi could add to the comment the element of time. Order always receives chaos. The idea of balance within order is highly structured. Once chaos appears then we now have no clue as to what balance is anymore. This is what keeps leadership as such a hot topic. The old balance weighting is no longer a viable formula. What concerns me about current event leaders is their “assuming” they know what balance is, after chaos has visited. They merely spray energy into the wind in hopes it blows the fire out. In lieu of steam we get hot air. Chaos moves the fulcrum of balance. Do we attempt to find the old spot where the fulcrum provided balance? Or do we overcome and adapt the lever to the new fulcrum? In current events i would think that we are removing energy from something in order to provide steam in another. The removal of energy only supplies water or wisdom in its frozen state. What energy is being used to transform The ice into steam? It appears to be non-existent, a belief in the fact some natural energy will emerge to take care of this flaw in soulution. Talk about faith, it measures well beyond my capacity to believe. Ice will remain ice unless energy is applied. Sunlight (natural) (The light of truth) or by response to intervention that the ice requires the humble understandings of what is broken and applying the right energy.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #28

Harvey Lloyd This is what I was looking for "By extension we can assert, do we wish to place energy into understanding, whereby removing brokenness or do we wish to remove energy by asserting wisdom? By removing energy we become frozen in time to a bias. By adding energy we create a gas that can be flexibly applied across many environments. Amazingly by adding energy we get the consequence of secondary energy that can power many other areas". This is a comment that I need to consider at far more length than now. My immediate reaction is when we are extremely biased we lose equilibrium for we go to the extreme. This is far-from-equilibrium state. Any system falling in such an extreme has three choices. 1- to do what is needed to restore the old balance. 2- It could seek a new emerging balance by breaking its structure and self-reorganizing into new and more balanced structure. 3- to just disrupt itself and vanish. Of particular interest her is the self-reorganizing option. For a system to self-reorganize it has to take energy from the environment and release energy back to the environment. Self-reorganizing is an orderly state while disrupting itself to vanish is chaotic. In your example brokenness is the chaotic state and wisdom is the orderly state.If wisdom is a mode of self-re-organizing Just passing thoughts

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #27

Your question is inline with our offline discussion. Brokenness to wisdom is an emergent concept from the fundamentals of perceptions, response to intervention or managing Risk. This list can be expanded well beyound four natural concepts. We can approach the unfolding risks to our wisdom with generalized Wisdom from previous events or we can start from brokenness as a humble position that seeks wisdom. We may describe arrogance as assuming that my wisdom is vast enough to overcome current brokenness. I look at the litreture available on any topic and realize it would take a few lifetimes to fully understand the concepts available. From this i can choose a starting point brokenness and learn that which i need to make a choice. On our planet water is naturally liquid. The other two states require energy or lack the energy to maintain the state. The key to the states in this metophor is the energy. If water is naturally liquid then do i wish to add or take away energy? (I realize i am taking certain liberties here scientifically.) By extension we can assert, do we wish to place energy into understanidng, whereby removing brokenness or do we wish to remove energy by asserting wisdom? By removing energy we become frozen in time to a bias. By adding energy we create a gas that can be flexibly applied across many environments. Amazingly by adding energy we get the consequence of secondary energy that can power many other areas. You are hammering at all the right questions that the natural world has sorted. maybe our rings are little to tight. 🙄

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #26

Harvey Lloyd Are you planning to copy-write your wisdom "Risk is the potholes we experience moving from brokenness to wisdom".? What you extended the same to education is what we need today to qualify teachers and raise the standard of education. Just a quick question because I wish to properly address your wisdom in a post. Water exists in solid, liquid and solid states. Actually plasma is a fourth state. Neon light bulbs and plasma TV are examples of plasma applications at home. My question is are brokenness and wisdom the only two states? All matters exist in four states. If not, what would be the remaining two states? Moreover, what is equivalent to the gas, liquid, solid and plasma states? Is my question sort of daydreaming? Then please just ignore it.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #25

#26 The article was a good one. Risk is a future concept unfolding. Risk is a measure of our brokenness to stay in the same area of conversation. Unfortunately too many media outlets have redefined risk. The word is interchangeable with fear. Risk is the potholes we experience moving from brokenness to wisdom. (In my worldview this is described as sanctification.). Useing the immune system as being broken moving to wisdom, it allows germs and viruses to teach it new ways to meet risk. What would happen if the immune system had the single law of rejecting everything it didn't want? The immune system wants to protect the body. Eventually Through rejection the outside risk would overwhelm the system. My book of of philosophy was already written and i find new inspiration each day as i find broken pieces that require wisdom. Yes one of the key components of our discussions is making me write out what the thought is you bring forward. Within our industry of special education is helping students express themselves. When they cant express the risk they have been exposed they typically create a drama filled action within the space. Totally unaware of consequences. Being able to express a thought takes it from “feelings/emotions” to expression and understanding. This is why a sense many social sciences recommend journaling. It forces you to find words to express your brokenness.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #24

Harvey Lloyd I am all in smiles because of you. You wrote " IMHO philosophers represent the intellectual side of brokenness". I was just about to suggest to you to write a book on your philosophy of life!!! Mind you my friend I have a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD). Maybe I should suggest the change of the PhD title. No one can predict where our discussions will lead to? Do you feel the same with so many new thoughts emerging?

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #23

Harvey Lloyd I am sure you have experienced this before. I did myself repeatedly. As I am now searching for some information I ran into this suddenly. "Risk management is analogous to the immune system. It is not a thing or part. It is a system that co-exists within other systems that must properly function with a larger system called the organization | organism. You cannot just fix the immune system, buy it, or expect miraculous resiliency overnight. The immune system must be earned, strengthened and maintained every day. You need healthy habits, positive attitude and healthy living and work environments, proper planning and long-term vision and dedication, so forth. " You cannot just fix the immune system"- the word fix and how the author describes it and what you mentioned in an earlier comment #20 I thought this would interest you and so I shared it.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #22

Fay Vietmeier opens up a very deep topic of brokenness. I wrestled with concept. Each morning we wake to see ourselves as ok or unbroken. Through out the day we recognize that the earlier truth doesn't match up to our experiences. If we could not resolve in our own mind that i bring value to others then we would not get out of bed. But brokenness implies that we wrestle between two things and more often than that brokenness implies, like the shattered window, we wrestle with many dichotomies. This condition, of which all wrestle, is either perceived as i am broken or finds and exestincial cause. Using your term of “fix” we can really get ourselves into a hopeless helpless cycle. IMHO philosophers represent the intelectaul side of brokenness. We have to accept brokenness as part of life. In each new life circumstance we enter broken and gain wisdom. Stepping into personal growth with this worldview establishes the potential and what i/we want. It also removes the arguments for what we dont want. Opening the door for wisdom to happen. In my world this is what humility looks like in action. My wrestling with brokenness came to a choice between two beliefs. Is reward present and i must unlock the doors keeping me from it or is reward something i create through my own potential. How you answer this determines your world view of brokenness. I came to the conclusion for myself that reward is always present. With this i can help others “reveal” the reward in lieu of working through their brokenness and so they might create their own reward.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #21

Harvey Lloyd Since you mentioned LI, this post has more than thirty five comments so far on LI. some of these comments are outstanding such as those of Ned McDonnell. Your comments here will be great addition there because you reinforce the selected ideas there. Your comments shall attract there also deservedly attentive comments.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #20

A third gem, to which I concur fully, Harvey Lloyd. What you concluded your comment with is simply a guide for all responsible people to follow "Honesty with humility is the only answer we have in measuring the potential of what we do want"

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #19

Harvey Lloyd Definitely, your comments here will be referred to in my next post. You illuminate a hugely important issue on why great leaders are great influencers. There are two gems in your comment here. They are: "This is not what brings joy. What brings joy is the simple fact that we incentivized personal growth from our own experiences and passed it on to someone else". "I may see potential but helping others overcome their own fears within new potential is greater than what they learned". What could I add to these great thoughts except by spreading them and highlighting their significance. As for the fix part- you remind me of a draft post that I promised dearFay Vietmeier to write. I shall do soon.However; what brings is the analogy here is that Fa keeps saying "humans are broken fractals". No matter what we do and work we exercise we may fix the broken pieces together, but never to the value of the same item before it broke. Humans are the same. Rather than fixing them why not do what you Harvey advocated "I may see potential but helping others overcome their own fears within new potential is greater than what they learned".

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #18

This is the background information of our discussion over on LI concerning knowing what you want vs what you dont want. If i know what i want i can measure the potential within each of my circles of influence. If i attempt to measure what i dont want within these various potentials then i will most likely choose the wrong one. I my like the paradigm i have chosen But it is not meeting the real potentials of what i really want. I believe this describes a lot of the current events within our country. We are measuring the potentials within what we dont want. What i call the law of social subtraction. We can subtract all the things we dont want and what will be left is what we do want. Considering all the potential within a circle of influence has been battling what they dont want how is what we do want being built? Honesty with humility is the only answer we have in measuring the potential of what we do want.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #17

For a brief moment in time people enter our sphere of influence personally, socially and proffesionaly. If we get above the behaviours And conflicts we can see that an opportunity to incentivize personal growth exists. Circles of influence expand and contract over a life time. Its not the size of the circle but the what the individaul, haveing entered, left with, because they crossed your circle. Although we do need food clothing and shelter at a minimum. This is not what brings joy. What brings joy is the simple fact that we incentivized personal growth from our own experiences and passed it on to someone else. In most cases in our efforts to unlock potential in others we learn that we unlocked it in ourselves as well. I believe this at a basic level describes humanity. Your word “fix” establsihes a side effect. It assumes something is broken. A toddler who is not walking yet is not broken, they just have not unlocked the potential of walking yet. If we fix it we loose sight of the learning that goes along with personal unlocking of potential. I may see potential but helping others overcome their own fears within new potential is greater than what they learned.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #16

"One key complexity Is how we have lost our ability to serve one another with humility and most importantly honesty? This is precisely Harvey Lloyd what I tried to communicate in my previous comment addressed to you. Your really hit the nail on its head my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #15

I am mesmerized by your comment Harvey Lloyd. Truly I am. I am preparing a draft post on- among few other ideas- about herding emotions. Why it is difficult to streamline people behavior. Collectively, they may act herding cats like plasma does. A great way to make use of the potential energetic plasma is for each atom to coordinate its actions as per the neighbor. It is distributed control. What I love about your comment is that it talks about distributed potential by incentivizing people on the individual level. This is what this post mentioned briefly, but you added more weight to the idea. If we make people realize by being motivated on the individual level to cooperate so that streamlining of the whole team may result they become like plasma atoms where the total synchronization renders new emerging properties like conduction of electricity. Only if every individual in a team would experience what collective efforts based on each individual is self-motivated to do this wonders can happen.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #14

The value proposition. Your thoughts on complexity within incentives is on point as we look at the value any individual may bring to another or company. One key complexity Is how we have lost our ability to serve one another with humility and most importantly honesty. Each person offers potential to any group or relationship. There are two very important things happening in the beginning. Each side is measuring the potential against their current setting, without the relationship. This presents each side with a gap that requires filling. Where the two gaps overlap is the potential. But how does each side of the value proposition measure the gap? Raising the questions is only to establish that value is what is being measured in each relationship between two agencies. We can remove much of the complexity of incentives when we understand each agencies value proposition. I think when we embark on this understanding, most of the time it has nothing to do with cost or salary potential.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 3 سنوات #13

We find potential inside each person we meet or have a relationship. This could be in a one one setting or group. This found potential can be unlocked for reasons of economics, serving each other or just because you enjoy assisting others find their hidden potential. You have stated some of the ways we unlock potential over and above the job description or expectation. It is difficult at best to incentivize potential. There always seems to be a select group that can harness self awareness and meet the demands of the incentivization program. When every person in the organization (Whether personal or professional) represents potential. We have found that the resources once used for incentive being placed into Book club style learning, video based learning done as a group and incentivizing collaborative learning has helped individuals unlock their own potential. The side effect is they become more valuable to larger entities. Incentivizing personal growth will always yield a better release of potential than incentivizing the bottom line. We use a model where each person we meet should add to their tool box of growth and development. Job performance is a part of this but within this is each person offering a broader skill set to their next employer.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #12

Thank you and you two have a very distict writing styles my dear friend.

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 3 سنوات #11

Let Ali explain you this in his Unique way

Liesbeth Leysen, MSc.

منذ 3 سنوات #10

Interesting insights Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee something to keep in mind.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #9

Dear Ned McDonnell Your comment is truncated here from the one on LinkedIn. I wish you commented here in full as well. This comment, shared mainly on LI, is one of the best I have ever had on any of my posts. Its real value is an adding real examples of measures that lead even to managers to manipulate the data and the cause and effect of such actions. I am truly proud of being connected with you. Ned.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #8

No problem dear Fay Vietmeier. Work comes first. I appreciate your informing me.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #7

Yes, you are correct Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador. WE need to make things simple, but not over-simplify them. This will fire back. I also thank you for your reshare of the post.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 3 سنوات #6

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I do not know why ... did not get your note to my attention I have to go out for an appointment and won't get to this till later this evening I will find my "pearl" ... I will read with expectancy ;~) ... will "find it interesting" ... my dear Professor

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #5

Jerry Fletcher You are simply very right. Focusing only on the health measure and leaving out the financial one is a form of "barter of death". Instead of dying because of the virus,.many people are increasingly finding it difficult to survive with no income generation.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 3 سنوات #4

Dr. Ali, the problem you cite is one that grips the world at the moment. We are all, to some extent following the guidance of the disease experts and not listening to the financial experts. Opening up to business as it used to be in some areas has caused greater illness. In other the reaction was minimal. John's description of the "big picture" is what should be concerning us but we have no way to compromise in today's politically polarized world so we will have to just have to take the consequences. And so it goes.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #3

John Rylance Thank you for being the first to comment and for lovely addition to the dimension of fairness. What I like about trees branches and leaves is that they distribute themselves at an angle of 137.5. This results in all of them having equal opportunities to get exposed to sunlight. Now, how each leaf or branch develops becomes its own business. We need to be fair and give people equal opportunities and then it is up to them how they act. If some of them are so unlucky to be hit by "sh*t happens" they can't blame their bad luck on not having fair opportunities like the others.

John Rylance

منذ 3 سنوات #2

The paradox of fairness started me thinking. What sprang to mind was a phrase I dislike namely "the bigger picture" How often do we hear in response to our questioning a decisions fairness to consider the bigger picture? Equally those who can see the bigger picture think giving those in the smaller picture want they want as being unfair. The outcome should be compromise or change. Life isn't always fair, as my son frequently says sh*t happens. We can only strive to make life as fair as possible. I enjoyed reading this thought provoking piece, and look forward to reading the comments of others.

Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #1

Fay Vietmeier I hope you find this post interesting.

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