Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات · 2 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
The Coldness of Success

The Coldness of Success


Living is to grow. When we succeed we reach higher levels. The more successes we have, the higher we reach. But the higher we reach means the colder it gets. Success is like the weather as it gets colder the higher we ascend.

Reaching high peaks brings new and emerging challenges. One challenge is the lack of enough oxygen to breathe. This forces our bodies to work harder.

People who live at high altitudes either breathe faster to take in more oxygen and this assisted by lager artillery, or they produce more hemoglobin and their lungs increase their expansion capability.

Another challenge is the coldness. It is established that the temperature drops by an average of 9.8 Celsius degrees/1000 meters. This average drops to about 6 Celsius degrees/1000 meters if the atmosphere is rainy or cloudy. The abundance of high trees and high buildings also affect this drop range.

When we reach high tops we may face coldness, lack of support, people with personal agenda and the like. Success is stressful because we need to move among many peaks that emerge and we might be exhausted to fulfill this requirement. Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity surround us and even may reside in us till we find it difficult to breathe or take a breathing pause. We get chilled being in the coldness of such situations. Stress initiates and our artillery get narrower rather than lager and our lungs may shrink instead of expanding. We get cold hearts that fail to adapt to the new conditions we find ourselves in.

Going up demands the presence of leaders endowed with very distinctive traits. These rare leaders realize that their positive thinking is the oxygen they breathe. They expand their possibilities thinking positively. These leaders understand that negative thinking will deplete oxygen and even replace it with toxic gases to inhale. They know that their pulse rate and blood pressure go up as their hearts pump harder to get more oxygen to the cells. So, instead of complaining they think of how to increase their oxygen intake and how to increase their lungs’ capacity to deal with this problem.

The challenges for being at the top are to think clearly in turbid environments. They aren’t exposed to the “high altitude sickness” as they keep their appetite for leading.
They face the external challenges and the internal ones as well. They may be surrounded with cold hearts and falling support from workers who are unable to support themselves to support the leaders. These leaders see the light coming and implant hope in despairing hearts.

A leader realizes the shrinking support from workers because of the turbidity prevailing outside and inside them.

Leaders aren’t naturally-born as much as they learn from nature how to adapt to the cold periods of a business.
Ali Anani


Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #62

Thank you dear Tausif Mundrawala for your sharing the post and commenting. Yes, people tend to get drunk by the "wine of success". They need to be alert and not sleep on past successes. Your oxygen analogy is outstanding.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #61

Very profound both of you dears Fay Vietmeier

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #60

r You are spot on my dear friend.It is the internal structure that hold us from falling into peaces. Examples are many. One example, is external motivation versus internal motivation. The latter is self-driven and is far more powerful than the external one. And our friend Jerry Fletcher keeps saying "And so it goes".

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #59

Thank you Jerry for the reminder of "cold Minds" and "Attitude is a reflection of Altitude". Both are relevant and reflect your high altitude.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #58

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee David Navarro L\u00f3pez (continued) Mohammed's rich insight: "We find silliness everywhere when the whole system isn’t working properly. When everyone is adept in some sort of obstinacy and trickery, then what’s apparent is disordered culture.” ~Mohammed Jawad … I would use these exact words to describing our world … and the mindset & heart-attitude of the residents (well a large percent)

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #57

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee David Navarro L\u00f3pez David & my dear Professor I am sharing a comment that I just posted on Mohammed Abdul Jawad excellent post “Be Truthful, Tactical and Trustworthy” I was reminded of a line from Disney’s recent release of Frozen 2 “do the next right thing” I’ll share that I worked 18 years in the staffing industry both as a branch & regional manager My role was business development but to help the businesses I worked with find the “right” candidates I had to understand the organizational processes & more importantly their challenges There are no perfect people and no perfect company’s But putting into place quality standards & quality processes is vital to outcomes I helped one company who was seeking The Malcolm Balridge Award It is so comprehensive that it does transform an organization Performance is internal Management is external “To transform an organization you have to also transform the people in it.” ~Fay Such transformation is Divine & spiritual … requires recognition & cooperation

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 4 سنوات #56

Dr. Ali, this post brings to mind the words "Cold Truth" as a way to present the facts of a situation. Linked to your mountain or high altitude another phrase comes to mind. "Attitude is a reflection of Altitude" meaning one must strive to think and act with clarity the higher they ascend in management. And so it goes.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #55

Ali Anani, PhD’S Congrats, your post has been trending in #creativity This is the message that I received from LI. I thank you great readers for your engagement to make this post trending.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #54

Thank you dear Preston \ud83d\udc1d Vander Ven It is interesting that we have many common beliefs that contradict each others. Maybe this issue merits a post on its own. Yes, we may cover ourselves with clothes, but that is adapting to the external needs.How about cold hearts that have no "hot" feelings with others. As dear David Navarro L\u00f3pez and I discussed here in our exchange of comments we need warm hearts that feel to others, give credit to others when due and are filled with empathy. Success that is built on discrediting others and still be cold towards the robbed is a false success.

David Navarro López

منذ 4 سنوات #53

to your questions "Does this apply to all large companies? ...then these companies are ill-managed and communication is of low level." My answer is: huge companies ill managed do not last. So they can not be taken in consideration. You want an example? Lehman Brothers. Ill managed, they have been the major cause of the global crisis Let us be serious. We are talking about successful companies. Rubbish is rubbish, no matter how large it is. An ill-managed huge company is only a "chronicle of an announced death" Better get far from them, and never take them as an example or a case of study, Let us not to waste our precious time with a bunch of criminals, no matter how rich/big they are.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #52

Part 2 You wrote later in your comment dear David Navarro L\u00f3pez "Huge companies, like ants communities, have only one mind, each community is very like-minded to the other, no matter the cultural background, the company sector, or the time they are on the market". I mentioned in my earlier comments that this is the topic of my next post. I am sure what I have in mind is similar to yours although our approaches may be different. I am raising the issues of what makes such large number of ants, fish, birds and animals group together and why not a single one defects. Why no one of them defects? It is a very interesting topic and I do look forward to reading your post. It shall"forge" many minds. I use the word forge intentionally as a reminder of your great post.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #51

Part 1 #55 Amazing you are my good and devoted friend David Navarro L\u00f3pez. But first let me wish you have great ties in Brazil. You have challenged my mind in writing "I suppose the reason behind it (and believe me, I am thinking of writing a special post about it), is that the sum of many minds and souls gives always the same result". This thought has far=reaching effects. In big companies that are managed properly they tend to have merging results meaning the the total sum is greater than the sum of the parts. You stated here that the sum of minds give the same results. Does this apply to all large companies? Complexity results from the interactions of great numbers and these may lead to emerging creative solutions. I just wonder what is your experience on this? If the results are always the sum of the parts then these companies are ill-managed and communication is of low level.

David Navarro López

منذ 4 سنوات #50

part 2 I am in a round of technical visits on a big customer, on its different sites across Brasil. The last round I did on this customer, I got to know a department manager in one of the sites who was the type of person you are mentioning, stealing the efforts from others and "getting the medals" for it. Huge companies and their particularities should be "written in a different book" to other companies. When you have a huge amount of workers in an organization, surprisingly enough, they always behave the same way. I suppose the reason behind it (and believe me, I am thinking of writing a special post about it), is that the sum of many minds and souls gives always the same result. To the point: This department manager is not there anymore, and the last time I saw him I knew he was going to be fired sometime because I perceived his hunger of "undeserved medals" Huge companies, like ants communities, have only one mind, each community is very like-minded to the other, no matter the cultural background, the company sector, or the time they are on the market. Success in huge companies is only a matter of teamwork, and team, the whole of it, should get the medals. The leader is only leading. If his team fails, he fails. A lot to think (and write) about it

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #49

I can't wait to read your second part dear friend David Navarro L\u00f3pez You stated "To your comment, I must say I was not referring to managers who steal others´efforts". I am eager then to know whom you meant.

David Navarro López

منذ 4 سنوات #48

My dearest friend and life mentor. The fact I have literally no time to write or comment on your brilliant posts doesn´t mean that my mind is not busy with your challenging mind, as per the time I have known you. To your comment, I must say I was not referring to managers who steal others´efforts, but yes, i have experience on this, but I am in a state of mind I really don´t give a penny on the fact. You said too " they occupy the undeserved peak then believe me those managers are restless in their hearts." I love your artlessness, it shows you are a great soul. The ones who steal the efforts from others, only for this fact, they show they are not decent, and for the same reason, they are not restless on their hearts, on the contrary: they think they are very smart. I can give you a real-life example of it, stated this very week. see part 2

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #47

Thank you dear Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris. I just checked whose quote was it that it is better to light a candle instead of cursing the darkness. There is no agreement who said it first.. The names I found didn't mention Mary Curie. Among the names attributions are Eleanor Roosevelt, Confucius, Chinese Proverb, William L. Watkinson, E. Pomeroy Cutler, James Keller, and others

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #46

Thank you Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris for commenting and enlightening us with a very appropriate quote.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 4 سنوات #45

This reminded me of a quote by a great scientist (I think it was Marie Curie) who said: "light a candle instead of cursing the darkness." Very appropriate and insightful for difficult times, particularly when leadership is needed, but also lacking. Thank you Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee for the inspiring article.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #44

Thank you dear Fay. David and I exchanged so many messages and comments here and on slideshare. I have come to know him well.I know a lot and I know his wood is steel-like.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #43

Mohammed Abdul Jawad So revealing Mohammed "to be humble is a great attitude" I would add: a great altitude ;~) and As our dear Professor said: "internal weakness is poverty" ... success (as portrayed by the god of this age) is about externals "Don't starve at the Buffet Table of Life" ~ Dr Karl Benzio of the Lighthouse Network

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #42

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee David Navarro L\u00f3pez "The bigger the mountain the greater the fall" came to mind reading your insight David As you say "real leaders show their wood" "Circumstances do not make a man they reveal him" ~ Cicero Ali that was a great compliment to dAvid: "what made your wood steel-like"

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #41

I thank you dear Mohammed Abdul Jawad for your promptness. "when we succeed we swell in pride". We become our own enemies and fall. Internal weakness is like poverty and we we lose our balance and cohesion to become brittle and exposed to quick failure.

Mohammed Abdul Jawad

منذ 4 سنوات #40

Inspiring post. Truly, when we succeed we reach higher levels. Here, the one precaution we have to take is that we shouldn't forget the little means and help that came in our ways. Oftentimes, with more success we swell in pride. That's where we lose stability of our hearts and souls. To be successful, and at the same to be humble is a great attitude.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #39

Lovely surprise to read your comment my dear and close friend David Navarro L\u00f3pez, You ask a great question. You remind me of the farmer who works hard. Just before reaping his efforts the wind blows away the crop. There are forces beyond our control. We need to work and we may reap the results and may not. If you refer to managers who steal the efforts of others so that they they occupy the undeserved peak then believe me those managers are restless in their hearts. They know they got what they don't deserve. You may have suffered from such behaviors, but you set an example of what a person of solid wood can achieve. I believe you are experienced in this and you have a very rich experience to share what made your wood steel-like.

David Navarro López

منذ 4 سنوات #38

Dear Ali, i know you already a long time, and you never stop to surprise me with your wisdom. Leaders compensate the harder conditions tham implies a success and a higher level, by finding the needful resources on their self created energies. My question to you is. What happens when after the effort, the peak is not reached? The waste of energy and the overuse of the oxygene use to be bigger, and the lack of reward after the effort can be a bigger burden than reaching a higher level. There is where real leaders will show the wood they are made of, don't you think?

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #37

It is a very old trick Fay Vietmeier...This thing called 'Censorship by Noise'...Those who cannot or will not open their eyes deflect truth by creating noise, noise , noise...However, in the quietest moments...." It is the educated that differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead." -Aristotle

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #36

Fay Vietmeier " a supernatural changing of the heart & mind that in turn changes the spiritual condition"- this is eloquent my spiritual mentor

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #35

Cyndi wilkins Thanks Cyndi ... for laying hold of my intent "speaking into the climate of the world" somehow that almost always where I end up ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #34

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Cyndi wilkins "their hidden complex" ... the enemy within is undercover Unconscious incompetence is the lowest form of consciousness (you don't know that you don't know) No one wants to be at this level but darkness prevails How can we change this? Come into the Light (an act of the will) "In His Light ... we have light" How does one "pry open blinded eyes" ... NOT humanly possible ... this is a Divine act ... a supernatural changing of the heart & mind that in turn changes the spiritual condition Makes me think about the conversion of Saul ... who later became "Paul the Apostle" ... who was blinded on the road to Damascus (Acts 9)

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #33

Your comment speaks to the current climate of the world Fay Vietmeier...Let us pray we can pry the blinded eyes open of the fools who refuse to learn;-)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #32

Dear Fay Vietmeier This is amazing "What keeps them together? … they hold hands in like-minded blindness … They are “blind” because “they have closed their eyes” (an act of will) How do they make decisions? By “leaning on their own understanding” as they “walk in the dark” You asked what keeps them together?I am truly amazed because this comment follows a comment I wrote on the post of dear Mohammed Abdul Jawad on trust less than an hour ago. In my comment I said that trust is the glue that keeps people together. I questioned if gluing people works the same way as glues work to bind substances together. Since then, many ideas emerged in my mind which I shall share in a post. I love your "reverse thinking" in which you added the "low-altitude sickness". Is the feeling of inferiority complex falls under this low-attitude sickness? Is it because of their hidden complex that they behave the way they do? I am thinking now.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #31

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee As I type it occurs to me that people also suffer from “low-attitude sickness” Symptoms: refusing to KNOW … refusing to GROW I was referring as much to the people who make nature a god as much as those who “refuse to learn from nature” … including human nature (individual & corporate) Only blind fools refuse to learn from nature ;~) … “low-altitude sickness” They too: "move in thousands" ... times 10,000 ;~) What keeps them together? … they hold hands in like-minded blindness … They are “blind” because “they have closed their eyes” (an act of will) How do they make decisions? By “leaning on their own understanding” as they “walk in the dark” Self-leaning is a precarious posture … beware “the enemy within”

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #30

I thank you Pascal Derrien for your sharing the post

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #29

"Nature-Atheists " are in thousand of thousands indeed dear Fay Vietmeier. SOmetimes it is the hearts that go blind.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #28

Dear Fay Vietmeier My friend your elaborations are timely,profound and on the point. Yes, it takes courage9us "bones" to fall in love with nature. Thanks for highlighting the main points of dears Cyndi wilkins

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #27

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Cyndi wilkins Only blind fools refuse to learn from nature ;~) They too: "move in thousands" ... times 10,000 ;~) ...What keeps them together? ... How do they make decisions? “They are frantically driven with deaf ears and blinded eye”~Debasish Majumder

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #26

Cyndi wilkins Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Cyndi~ thanks for sharing a great song ;~) “Good bones” make me think of strong people & strong houses (a sure foundation ;~) We're in the homestretch of the hard times We took a hard left, but we're alright Yeah, life sure can try to put love through it, but We built this right, so nothing's ever gonna move it. When the bones are good, the rest don't matter...The house don't fall when the bones are good;-) This line in the song is vital: “When there ain't a crack in the foundation” In truth: people-organizations-nations all have … or have developed a “crack in the foundation” All organizations & nations are comprised of people … many who lack self awareness People have become disconnected from understanding. Common sense is not so common any longer. Instinct is possessed by both animals & humans. But humans can be unaware of it or ignore this quality by thinking wrongly or by non-thinking I agree: “Every business would benefit greatly by bringing instinct back to the boardroom!” And looking for “cracks” and fixing “cracks” Ali stated this well: “Leaders aren’t naturally-born as much as they learn from nature how to adapt to the cold periods of a business” And: as they learn about “human nature” (their own & those on their team) "Adapting" is ongoing ... because "change" is ongoing ... this is change management An all "change" is not "good"

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #25

Early next week dear Cyndi wilkins

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #24

Next week dearCyndi wilkinsdi W

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #23

Oh dear...How very sad to consider learning from nature as 'degrading'...I can hardly wait to have the conversation;-) Until then, my best to you dear sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #22

This is a nourishing comment dear Cyndi wilkins. I truly enjoyed reading it. I am drafting a post for next week in which I shall refer to nature-derived lessons in groups, affiliation and decision-making. The examples are in complete alignment with your thoughts here. Some people see it degrading that we learn from small insects as bees. They think this is degrading. to them. But these insects can do with intuition more than we humans can do. Why they do waggle dance? Why they move in thousands> What keeps them together? How they make decisions? What affiliations they make that last in contrast to most human affiliation that fail soon or later? I couldn't agree more with you.

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #21

Many voices expressed their negation of instinct and its role in decision making? Those are the voices very much in need of having 'this conversation.' Your instincts are natures greatest achievement in teaching us the art of survival. Without them, we are lost...They remind us to temper ourselves in areas where we may be lacking self control while we build firm foundation...This thought reminds me of one of my favorite lyrics to the song...'When the bones are good'... We're in the homestretch of the hard times We took a hard left, but we're alright Yeah, life sure can try to put love through it, but We built this right, so nothing's ever gonna move it. When the bones are good, the rest don't matter...The house don't fall when the bones are good;-) Every business would benefit greatly by bringing instinct back to the boardroom!

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #20

Thank you Juan Imaz for your resharing of this post

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #19

Dear Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado Again, what you say deserves due attention "For those who intelligently allow / allow themselves to be part of creative values ​​as if we were brothers of the nucleus that fed the nature of our inner being, it is accommodating to the environment that honors / honors "Various Expectations"

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #18

Dear Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado I agree with you in that "we can interpret that the top translates into successes, however WE KNOW THAT THE OXYGEN IS LIMITED. What dignify the good plural of success is the challenge? Since the beginning of the working day there are goals to meet, which represents and represents us in many ways and ways to say that nothing will come from nothing, behind it there will be a link that synchronizes the “GREAT LOYALTY LOOP THAT WILL DIGNIFY EACH PARTICIPATION".

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #17

Indeed, and things that grow step-wise last longer and serve us better. Great quote again dear Fay Vietmeier- we should keep this saying in mind "Quick fruitfulness is not lasting fruitfulness".

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #16

You are a great reader and that is why you write well dear Fay Vietmeier because you also digest and understand the depth of what you read. This s reflecting in the quotes of your comments. Amazing this young lady Lygon Stevens. She died young, but not her not maturity, wisdom and understanding of life.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #15

@Lisa Morganweck posted a comment on LinkedIn that shall resonate greatly with you dearFay Vietmeier It is amazing how you both share similar thoughts on spiritual growth.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #14

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee A great insight my dear Professor: "Success that is based on fragility isn't a lasting one." Which reminded me that: Quick fruitfulness is not lasting fruitfulness

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #13

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Your words reminded of something Lygon Stevens wrote in her journal: “Climbing to the top of a mountain is not a victory … it’s a privilege. Mountains are not “conquered” … Victory and glory come from conquering yourself.” “What matters is that I lived & I let it change me” ~ Lygon Stevens Lygon and her brother went on a mountain climb during one of her university breaks … they were experienced climbers. Sadly her young life was cut short: she died in an avalanche and miraculously her brother did not … right before the avalanche she gave her journal to her brother … There is a documentary of her life told by her brother & parents … who being strong in faith wrestled greatly … while grieving and coming to terms with their loss. Why God? Help us understand I have seen it twice through tears. The faith of this young woman was far, far beyond her years “The man at the top of the mountain did not just fall there.” ~Leonardo DiVinci This quote I have mentioned at times to my sagacious, entrepreneurial son. To encourage him that success is a journey and the journey is until we cross over … there are many “mountains in life” … at each season we go through. There is a mindset of unreality & entitlement in so many young people. Rushing to get to the top of their perceived “mountain” And in the rushing miss uncounted opportunities for growth … And miss the joy of the journey.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #12

Fay Vietmeier You din't fall accidentally on your top because you have what it takes to be and staying there. We have a profound saying that having one thousand enemies outdoors is better than having just one enemy indoors. So, having the traits of wisdom, competency and the spiritual power inside us for if we lack them we may have many enemies residing in us. You explained this wonderfully my mentor in your comment. Success that is based on fragility isn't a lasting one. We need to be coherent withing to cope with the challenges of life. We need to understand that there are forces beyond us and we have two option either to adapt to them or vanish. You mentioned "We are often so consumed with the physical (flesh-externals) that the internals are neglected (I have several “bee-famous drafts”-where I hope to elaborate on this)". You are right. You remind me of the SWOT Analysis. It is our strengths and weaknesses to cope with the opportunities and threats that fall upon us. We must have enough strengths and the realization of our weaknesses to cope with change. So, your topic is of great interest and I look forward to reading it.

Fay Vietmeier

منذ 4 سنوات #11

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Good way to begin the week Ali ... as always a thought-provoking post ;~) Life IS to be filled with “growth”… in every part of our being (spirit-soul-flesh) We are often so consumed with the physical (flesh-externals) that the internals are neglected (I have several “bee-famous drafts”-where I hope to elaborate on this) That consumption of time & talents in the physical (externals) is toward what the “world” considers “success” Success in God’s eyes Vs success in the eyes of people ... should be a compass Well-being becomes well-doing and here lies the possibility of “good leaders” and engaged-productive-thinking-contributing workers/employees Whatever is in your briefcase (or suitcase) follows you wherever you go … even to the “top of a mountain” If a leader lacks the wisdom (skills) & competency (which includes adapting to change & environments) to lead…that lack will affect whatever the venture is That person must recognize the lack & GROW (this good news is that this is very possible) As you so poetically stated my dear Professor: “Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity surround us and even may reside IN us” (profound truth) “Positive thinking” is like “change” Not all “change is not “good” Nor is all “positive thinking” … it may just may be cheer-leading or optimism … but not necessarily the right direction or a reflection of true “wisdom” Discernment is required ;~) and there are MANY-many complexities “The man at the top of the mountain did not just fall there.” ~Leonardo DiVinci

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #10

I thank you Kevin Baker for commenting and adding a new thought to the discussions. Yes, when we advance new demands emerge and we have to be ready for those demands. If a leader must change it is t communicate better, to adapt more than before and be larger than self. Unfortunately, some leaders advance to the rear.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #9

Dear Cyndi wilkins You remind me of a post I wrote sometimes ago in which I discussed instinct and its role in various aspects in our lives such as decision-making. Many voices expressed their negation of what I wrote. Yes, we are moving away from our instincts. Instincts is a flow and spontaneity.The main reason you pointed out in your comment ".Our instincts are rarely altogether wrong...If we can just learn to trust them". Yes, we need to trust our instincts and senses as keep saying.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #8

DEa Cyndi wilkins You remind me of a post I wrote sometimes ago in which I discussed instinct and its role in various aspects in our lives such as decision-making. Many voices expressed their negation of what I wrote. Yes, we are moving away from our instincts. Instincts is a flow and spontaneity.The main reason you pointed out in your comment ".Our instincts are rarely altogether wrong...If we can just learn to trust them". Yes, we need to trust our instincts and senses as keep saying.

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #7

Yes...I do tend to fly 'off the radar' from time to time...It is my way of taking a vacation from digital space and focusing on my own 'inner space;-)' I think business itself needs more of an adaptation to instincts...We lose sight of our own intuitive nature when we are so hyper-focused on 'the data'...or paying more attention to customer management than we do our own coworkers. They are the people in the trenches with us...Do they have our back? Pay attention to the body language of those around you...and the flow of energy in the room when trying to make decisions...Acknowledge your discomfort, if there is any, and trust that this may not be the 'right time' to proceed. If something doesn't 'feel right' we are being signaled to take pause...Our instincts are rarely altogether wrong...If we can just learn to trust them, we will become much more efficient in our decision making process instead of over-thinking things to death;-)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #6

I appreciate your comment dear Roberto De la Cruz Utria. There is a hidden paradox in your elegant comment that deserves highlighting. It is coldness of success and cold minds don't go together. I agree and this issue haven't received the attention it deserves.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #5

Cyndi wilkins Great to read a comment from you after a "quiet" period. You know- you inspire me with a though that I hope will inspire you too with another thought. It comes from your writing "Those who survive the greatest of challenges are not necessarily the most intelligent, but rather those most willing to adapt to change". Do we need to introduce the concept of "adaptation intelligence"? Sometimes the measure we use are somewhat misleading. Intelligence at school mayn't lead to success in life. Adaptability maybe a better measure. I wonder what you think. Yes, keeping conformity is a thief that steals great ideas away from business. We have a lot of basic issues to learn.

Cyndi wilkins

منذ 4 سنوات #4

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I absolutely love this statement..."Leaders aren’t naturally-born as much as they learn from nature how to adapt to the cold periods of a business." Those who survive the greatest of challenges are not necessarily the most intelligent, but rather those most willing to adapt to change. We achieve greater success by accepting input from all aspects of the conversation while implementing new ideas. The cold truth is, at times, you may have to appear to in agreement when you are 'intuitively opposed to an idea for the sake of 'peacekeeping.' There is nothing more destructive to business than dissension in the troops. Sometimes you must remain inconspicuous before reaching a final decision...Just like the octopus who camouflages itself until the prize is within its grasp;-)

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #3

This is a fantastic comment. I am warmed up with your appreciation dear namita sinha. Maybe I write soon a post on reversible thinking and in it I shall consider summarizing my previous posts on reverse approaches. Dear Namita- I love your mind. I find that I share many traits with you. I refer to your reverse thinking and this topic has occupied my mind for long times. One of my best and most read presentations is on "reverse business". Yes, I couldn't agree more with you. Life is full with paradoxes. Normally, we think of the coldness of failure and the warmth of success. Reverse thinking is exactly the opposite. I am so glad that you brought this issue to the open. Life is an adventure and you have taken your my friend with a courageous heart.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #2

Absolutely. Communication and persuasion are two traits that great leaders have to "This is why its important that in our pursuit of success we bring others with us". The snowball effect initiates and pools more hearts towards a desired goal. Then hand clap with synchronicity.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 4 سنوات #1

This is why its important that in our pursuit of success we bring others with us. With each person we bring into our success they bring others. Bringing the required energy to heat up that which is considered cold at altitude. With each person we bring along the climb the effects of altitude diminish. To arrive alone to the top is anti climactic. Great thoughts for Monday.

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منذ 3 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة

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