Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات · 1 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~10 ·

مدونة Ali
We Get Nothing for Nothing

We Get Nothing for Nothing


A simple fact and yet ignored one in life are that we don’t get anything for nothing
. We can’t have a medicine without side effect. We can’t have success without failure. We can’t enjoy our kids without their annoyance sometimes. We can’t take the smooth without the rough. We can’t take the good without the bad. We can’t take the sweet without the sour.

Our mindsets limit us from accepting the pair of opposites and choose the sweet one. I want to focus on failure and how we react to it. The root cause of failure resides in us being fearful of failing. Great minds see the positive in the negative and the orderly zones in the sea of chaos.

We need to realize that success without failure will lead to failure. Success is limiting as it tends to keep us on the same path. Failure is redirection of path, exploring new possibilities, making new approaches and exploring new lands as long as we aren’t frozen by it.

I want to share some of my thoughts on fear in the following quotes that I wrote and being advocate for their validity. Failure resides in us for we fail when we fail internally. If we are failure from within how could we succeed?

If you are a failure from within then what you do fails.
Ali Anani
Failure is the buffer to get you protected from getting inflated by successes
Ali Anani
Success is limiting and may confine us to what we know. Failure is exploring new possibilities, new scenarios, new approaches and new discoveries. Our fear to fail is the biggest limitation to make failure an interesting failure journey.
Ali Anani
Don’t focus on failure. Rather focus on the possibilities it offers.
Ali Anani
When you celebrate failure you early on celebrate your forthcoming success.
Ali Anani


Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #55

Thank you Jan \ud83d\udc1d Barbosa

Jan 🐝 Barbosa

منذ 5 سنوات #54

Failure is the buffer to get you protected from getting inflated by successes = Bravo !!!!! 👌👌👌

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #53

Roberto De la Cruz Utria- I throughly enjoyed your comment and superb thought that sent my mind swirling " the world has developed doing, proposing and risking, which is the only way to not get stuck, today's present was yesterday's future, maybe imagined with fear, and darkness". This is a buzz on its own.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #52

Harvey, is it possible that there is a simple truth portrayed in that ancient oriental wisdom? Taking a huge leap to quantum physics, all things are energy. It is neither good or bad it merely is. The observer lends it its character. And so it goes.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #51

The question that nags me to the core is where did this cognitive dissonance disorder emerge? Why not just yen or just yang? Why both? The 60's sought to answer this question and it lead to self medication. Now we are still answering this question and it results in prescription medicine. Tough question.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #50

Sometimes we give more explanations to known facts and reassurance of their validity. Your comment dear Jerry is consistent with this and your reference to the yin/yang. You are right.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #49

A wonderful explanation of the two shadows and how they relate to each other.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #48

Dr. Ali, I have come late to this discussion. As I read your words my mind kept coming back to a wonderful depiction of the symbol for yin/yang. That simple but haunting concept from ancient Asia has within it the reality that all things carry good and evil, success and failure, positive and negative. Neither is whole without the other. And so it goes.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #47

Not a great study of Jung but really enjoy the language he uses to separate our various conscious and unconscious selves. The shadow of Leadership is quite different CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit it is also equally important as we become self aware within our leadership style. I have seen leaders who cast the shadow across the goals as being the only thing that is important and the opposite, people are all there is within leadership. The shadow of leadership should point to individual growth within the chosen objective. This was my first lesson. My second and equally important one, and it draws the two "shadow" concepts together. The shadow of leadership is cast is one action, the second action is the shadow is perceived by someone else. This perception can intimidate, motivate or develop into many things. I only control my leadership shadow. The reflections i receive from the secondary perception result are in the control of the receiver. Yet i am left to interpret these reflections of perception. This is where the Jungian Shadow comes into play. The personal axioms of life will be what interprets the reflection of the leadership shadow. Given a simple win-win axiom or a fear of loosing step in the corporate ladder (Win Lose) i would interpret quite differently my leadership shadow and its response. So in the onset of consideration the leadership shadow would possibly be separate from the Jungian shadow. Within the point you have to interface with the results of the leadership shadow, the Jungian shadow becomes very relevant.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #46

Synchronicity at the top level again my dear Lisa Vanderburg and repeat "Fractals forever".

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #45

Forgive me: My wings are not yet fully filled and I am frail with the process of becoming. What I am seeing though is the net you cast by your thoughts, not to ensnare but to invite. This 'construct' allows for many interpretations but mainly it provides a fertile base on which other concepts can connect; grow. This inevitably leads on to more shoot, more branches. Every single comment here has taken that very thoughtful but modest contruct you offer and added growth to it. As Milos Djukic says: Fractals forever!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #44

I hope you would accept my suggestion dear Lisa and write this buzz on. You guessed it. On expanding your gorgeous call "It's simply 'come! Let's exchange, lets' grow, let's renew!' We all need to go by these guiding words

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #43

No Sir. It's actually less about your cerebral prowess; it's more about your open and eager invitational sharing of 'big & small ideas.' Can't say I've really met one the the latter....just in case then? Point being - you get us all t h i n k i n g. That's what we need most. The fact that you have no qualms of creed, race, rich, poor or gender. It's simply 'come! Let's exchange, lets' grow, let's renew!' It's an art to see everyone as equal....................

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #42

WOW! I have to check this one now my dear friend Lisa Vanderburg. What to say? I am moved beyond words can describe.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #41

I've also started 'Ali Anani: the art of Negociation.' This is the very best of you; your desire to get us involved in a way that we are free to explore the offshoots of your buzz'. This is a selflesh act methinks; you engage and exchange to debate....wonderful, dear man!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #40

Love your quote translated in English to " GOD IS LOVE AND LOVE IS A UNION OF WILLS AND OPPORTUNITIES.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #39

Lisa Vanderburg- I am totally moved by your appreciation my dear friend. I noticed that you shared this buzz in a new hive (Ali Anani Gems). What a great way of appreciatiion , namely that you are the administrator of the hive signalling that you created it. I am truly and faithfully humbled. I am not less than you are reading the comments and learning a lot from them. I say thank you to all contributors for enriching my knowledge and awakening me to the need for continuous learning.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #38

Love that John Rylance, the 'Waterloo Moment' is that defining time when things can go either way - very nice! #40 Using your fine example John8:1-11 CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit, only Jesus could ask the question of the potential stone-throwers for their 'shadows' told them the game was up: #42 Nice segue way! You've laid a banquet for the best thinkers, Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee, and they're coming up with some extraordinary stuff! I rather like chaos, so I'm staying under the table to catch the crumbs :)

CityVP Manjit

منذ 5 سنوات #37

It is important to define shadow here as the Jungian Shadow. The CityVP Shadow is an enlightening property of leadership, which is the shadow of leadership we cast that we may actually be unaware of. Great leadership can touch people in different ways and that is the meaning of shadow whenever I use the CityVP version of "shadow". One thing I have learned is that I am always surprised how our shadow of leadership can touch people, and it does. Moreover sometimes when we do not realize our leadership creates a shadow, we miss something ever so valuable - how we in actuality have touched another. That is an important awareness in the CityVP Shadow. I acknowledge the value of recognizing the Jungian Shadow - that it has positive qualities to it as much as I actually have more reservations about the persona - and what is personal branding today but a malignant extension of persona - turning what could be considered bright into something that is actually darkening the trust within us that is then covered by this thicker skin of personal brand.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #36

Just one quick note in reference to your line CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit with his expertise on Carl-Jung is qualified more than I to comment. Your comment means the shadow (what moves us, or resides in us as you expressed it) is different than the persona we like to expose ourselves to the world. What resides in the shadow is the steering force that controls our movement.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 5 سنوات #35

#29 - That is simple question to answer Lisa but first we must reference a Bible passage - so the resulting question becomes "is there are sinless person among us who has not perceived in this way?". The answer is an unholy No. We all have from time to time lied to ourselves and remember perception exists at the center of our own beliefs. The things we still do not accept that reside within us are not truths, they are lies we still want to keep or we may be deluding ourselves about. Now we get back down to one of my favourite horses I like kicking which of course is personal branding. The chief point of personal branding is an acknowledgement of judgemental people - people who do throw the first stone. Whether that is perceived dishonesty or honest hypocrisy does not matter because both are a value judgement. We are not controllers of minds but we create social systems that seek to control what others think of us, or at least make it socially unacceptable to exhibit candor or truth, that can be damaging to the shiny shine of our collective manufactured reputations. The moment we put an equal sign on anything we have cut off many options of possibilities. The word "decision" means to "cut off choices", so it is perfectly fine to ponder whether success = order and failure = chaos. It doesn't, and the reverse may be more grounded in truth, which is order can create failure and chaos can create success. Why is that so? With order we bound and cut off more choices until we reach a point of social conformity. With chaos we engage manageable risk or dangerous risk, but the path to success can actually be rather messy. Success however is a continuum from the lazy kind to very difficult.

John Rylance

منذ 5 سنوات #34

Lisa, in addition to my last comment, and having re-read your comment. I am sure the girls had experienced failure in some form, but not in the educational setting.  I term this a "Waterloo Moment." Napoleon wasn't a failure until the Battle of Waterloo. It's what you do after you realise /think you have that is important.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #33

I invite Javier \ud83d\udc1d C\u00e1mara Rica to the discussions because I am sure he drove on a coarse road on his way to success

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #32

The illusion of absolute truth is indeed a driving force. You are analytical in your thinking and I love it Pascal Derrien

Pascal Derrien

منذ 5 سنوات #31

Interesting take on not being able to one dimensional now sometimes we are binary but our quest to the absolute ''truth'' is still fuelling many of us ...maybe its an illusion

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #30

John Rylance- I truly couldn't explain my thoughts as well as you did. I share the same thoughts as expressed in your comment. I even have nothing to add to it even as "cosmetic gesture". Well-done my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #29

I am in full agreement with you. If we inspect the structure of chaos we shall always find "white" and orderly band. It is the proof that order and chaos co-exist. We know this because we can see it visually, but then become selective and point only to the order. For me, the order of success is neighboring the chaos of failure and without sustaining this chaos no order of success shall emerge. Order is the reward we get for being able to live with what you described Harvey Lloyd beautifully "Courage and perseverance emerged from the dirty pants"

John Rylance

منذ 5 سنوات #28

Thank you for your kind comments. I believe the basis of the Head's thoughts were that the girls had been in an learning environment that was a comfort zone for them. At University they faced a different method(s) of learning that was alien to them, and being along side others who could cope, and often more crucially in their eyes more intelligent than them. Possibly for the first time in life not the top, the best, highest scorers etc. In their terms it was failure, and they had come to believe they didn't fail academically, and consequently unable to cope. This is why the Head try to make sure in an environment they felt safe they "failed" to reach the standards of success they had come to expect. It is difficult to accept you might not succeed, when you have always succeeded. Have I succeeded or failed to answer your curiosity. Either way I can cope (I hope)

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #27

Somehow chaos has become embarrassing. Not sure how this attachment got made but it is a guide to how we display success. We down play the challenges within our meager beginnings, accentuate the wisdom gained (As if it existed from the beginning.). This gives the audience the feel of gifted wisdom. We get a reflection of some status boosting recognition. The side affect is that chaos is seen as the lack of wisdom and the enevitable failure of the individaul. The reality is, without personal risk, chaos, wisdom can never be gained. In the old days chaos was recognized as trial and error. The advent of gurus and superstars had unintended consequences. It set chaos (trial and error) into a lack of something within the individaul. The byproduct of this is the fear of judgement if we do not successfully navigate personal growth with chaos. Many “successful people” show the chaos phase of success as courage and percervearence. Most of my personal growth within chaos was spent trying not to mess my pants. Courage and percervearence emerged from the dirty pants. It was not experienced during the chaotic reach for wisdom.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #26

What a synchronicity! I have just commented on a buzz by the lady Clau Valerio (in Spanish". She also mentioned that each of us has his own little story. Future isn't an extrapolation of the past. What we do might influence others without meaning to in a way that changes the path of their journey. What succeeds today may not succeed tomorrow. I am reading your comment my friend Harvey Lloyd while new thoughts are flowing in my mind. Did you "nudge" me. Even this little nudge, as small as it could be, may put me on a new course. This is how the ball bounces.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #25

Great question and deep too. When we look at success or failure it is always a snap shot taken of the status of something based on its past. Time is one of those concepts we really dont consider within humanity anymore. Time is the ultimate arbiter of success and failure. How we use time will describe the direction we travel between the two concepts. Every human is a story that always has a next page. In todays world we tend to see each page as the final page. Time dictates that a new page will form whether you write it or someone else does. Can i review page 9,340 and compare it to 2,301 and sum it to failure? Can i write it out in page 9,342? Success or failure is only on the page it exists. The next page is only a new opportunity to write a new story. Time records the past, we travel to the future by the next page we write. Tell me about that clean sheet of paper that success and failure have not written upon yet.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #24

That is a great question dear Lisa Vanderburg

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #23

If success = order and failure = chaos, then does “perceived failure” (as CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit said) allow for the opposite; perceived success? Would 'perceived success' imply a deliberate dishonesty? Some wonderful thoughts here - from all of you Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #22

You bring a fresh thought to the discussion Harvey Lloyd. That is when we review the past successes we only care for to see the surface of its iceberg. Under the water there were many failures that led to the emerging success. To get order out of chaos at no cost is like getting something from nothing and that is impossible. We need to review the past with new lenses to discover that successes were always preceded by many flat tires with nails on the road punctuating the tires. When we inflate the tire successfully we tend to forget that it was flat before them. Maybe one reason is the tendency of people to boost about successes and stay away from failures forgetting that failures were the boosters of their successes.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #21

Existicially we see success as order. We review the past processes that lead to success and we perceive the process as order. We typically do not go back far enough to see the person, team or company when they reached from order into the unknown of chaos to find growth, expansion or direction. Can we reach from order into chaos and not find failure at many levels? To me your post describes the process inside of an entrepreneur. They want and are driven to make this reach, fully understand the many failures, great and small, that come with the adventure. Failure has taken on a new meaning. The word is now associated with the character of a person. In some cases maybe rightfully so, but in most the fear of those associations is a mitigating circumstance for not taking risk within the chaos of the unknown. CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit, i believe, correctly stated “perceived failure”. Just because i have a flat tire along the path of success doesnt mean i failed. It only means i had a flat tire.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #20


Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #19


Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #18

Dear Lisa Vanderburg. Maybe you highlight a new concept in mentioning the Dilemma of Success or the curse of success. But we all suffer from it. When companies are at their peak they fail. This is the success syndrome because success without attention to possible failures will lead us blind while walking on the top of the mountain. The fall becomes expensive and bone-breaking. Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado is a bee who comments on my buzzes in Spanish and has contributed few buzzes in Spanish as well. I exchanged few comments with him. He is is "philosophical thinking" mode.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #17

You bring a hugely important issue my dear Debasish Majumder. This is " enjoyed read and shared. if one one aspiration is to dictate his views on majority is considered as success or to just get mundane wealth, i differ with the definition of success. rather failure of not having capacity to influence majority:. You are right and this is sugar-coated success. There must be fairness in defining success. For example, when give students the same exam and one scores higher than the other then we know who is more successful. Imposed success, as you said, isn't success. It is success by using power wrongly. What is based on wrong foundation is wrong. It is like building castles in the air on sandy foundation. There is a huge difference between convincing others after you have also listened attentively to their opinions than when the same person use his authority to impose his views. Thank you so much my friend for writing a sound comment and for sharing the buzz.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #16

Dear Tausif Mundrawala- the is a quote of gem in your comment. That is "We cannot run away from failure at any cost if we desire to achieve success and make big in life". Your teacher story is spot on. You remind me of high school exams qualifying students to university entrance based on their scores, In many countries you find that more than 60%-70% score above 85% with hundred of students scoring almost 100%. This is contrasting with the UK, During my university days there I still remember that the pass grade was 40% and that even wasn't easily achievable. Easy successes give birth to false expectations that we are super and failure isn't a possibility. Not surprising that many students don't do well at the university or later in life, Very sound comment indeed my friend.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #15

Oh dear Wafa El-Amrani \u270c. You wrote eloquently that "our perception of failure is programmed by our past emotions and experiences", I would also add our mindset and how we tolerate issues that don't proceed to our favor, Our distortion our conception of failure to favor negativity makes negativity what it is instead of using its power to serve us. This applies to failure and our failing to capture its potential is due to "our conception of failure". Warm greetings to you and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #14

"So do not take your thoughts as an absolute truth because they are very influenced by the feelings that are addressing you at that moment". Very-well said my dear friend Clau Valerio. It is our mindset that steers our lives. This is what I mentioned in a recent buzz about our negativity bias. When things conform to our liking we tend to give negative explanations instead of finding an excuse for a friend. We rush into blaming, distorting facts, casting doubts. It is time to build the habit of turning negativity into a useful power.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #13

success or failure itself a dilemma to me as in what parameter we may gauge success, it could be a failure to one who alone may aspire a result according to his design on contrary what may have emerged. success or failure truly a paradox. even regarding sir Einstein's evaluation regarding quantum mechanics was a complicated affair to him alone. he doubted its success! in due time success could be transformed into failure or vice versa. however, intriguing buzz sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! enjoyed read and shared. if one one aspiration is to dictate his views on majority is considered as success or to just get mundane wealth, i differ with the definition of success. rather failure of not having capacity to influence majority, but to align with minority which may give one contentment could be considered as success. many notable thinkers in his living time may not received accolades, but later acknowledged with huge respect and still living with many and not in oblivion. interesting buzz indeed sir. thank you for the share.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #12

Really liked your comment, John Rylance. Especially curious is what you said about [the school's] deliberate tactics to give its girls some grounding. It had honestly never occurred to me that girls would not have experianced failure. I humbly second Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee's recognition of: "Until we fail at something ourselves we can't help others when they fail" #7 CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit's hugely relevent comment carries significant weight as a measure of our societies blight. When did we become so disabled that we cannot cope with failure..or sucess? You picked up on that; our collective feeling of embracing both ideas as necessary! (pass the vicodin)

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #11

An excellent discovery dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee...I thoroughly enjoy and applaud the essence you have brought to failure v success and the sheer translation you gleam and offer here! We have a sort of 'family curse', in which: the minute you say 'I'm really good at [something]' is the death-knell of that 'truth'. Quod erat demonstrandum. Just out of curiosity, who is Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado? Because what he says is quite reasonable...just hate CAPS unless absoultely necessary...

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #10

S, I pay you in many thanks for sharing this beautiful comment

Phil Friedman

منذ 5 سنوات #9

One of the lessons I've learned in life is that you never get more than you pay for ... although you often get less. Cheers to all!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #8

The paradox that you bring to our attention dear CityVP \ud83d\udc1d Manjit is one of the most powerful paradoxes that I am aware of. That is the paradox "we keep talking about balance, without noting the actual imbalance". What in reality we do we keep distancing ourselves from balance for not being aware we are in imbalance till we run into chaotic lives. Great thoughts here and I thank you my friend for enriching the discussions and taking them to a higher level.

CityVP Manjit

منذ 5 سنوات #7

There is very little medication for success other than downers if we should get maniacal about success, but there is a plethora of medication for failure or the alleviation of perceived failure. The opiate crisis in America is not simply down to abundant availability of prescription medicine that is being used off-label use. So much so that "off-label' is an acceptable term now in the pharmaceutical world, and an addition to the idea of "a marketing opportunity". So where we dull the sensations of fear or failure, we certainly add to the imbalance created by not seeing that we don't get anything for nothing. There is always this relationship and when we try to escape this reality (rather than see it as it is) then no wonder we keep talking about balance, without noting the actual imbalance.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #6

Tausif Mundrawala- I am sure you have uour experiences to share a great comment

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #5

Thank you for sharing real life experiences about failure John Rylance. Yes, and I agree with the thought that we need to experience failure. The Arab poet said that how many very successful students failed post graduation because they distanced themselves from the realities of life. What the headmistress of the school did is to be applauded. Your quote "Until we fail at something ourselves we can't help others when they fail" adds wealth of wisdom to the buzz. Thank you

John Rylance

منذ 5 سنوات #4

The Headmistress of a Girl Grammer School, was concerned that several of her "high flyers" struggled or failed at University. She realised that the root of the problem was these girls rarely if ever experienced real failure. To remedy this the School set about ensuring the curriculum contained elements that the girls were meant to fail. Then talked to them about failure and how to cope with/ manage .  Until we fail at something ourselves we can't help others when they fail. Hence the maxim we learn from our mistakes.   Some Interviewers don't ask a candidate to relate a success, preferring to ask them to relate a failure and how they dealt with it. Since tells them more about the candidate. An employer ( can't remember who) once commented that he liked to employ someone who had failed, rather tha someone who never or claimed they have never failed.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #3

Czeslaw Cimachowski shared the following comment on the shared copy of this buzz on LinkedIn. It is such a moving comment that I decided to share it here as well. Committed to bring solutions reducing fatigue & risk of pressure injuries (bedsores) related to prolong sitting Accepting the roughness is the only way (at least for me) leading to smoothness which not necessarily to be reached as per our wish. Today’s my 4th week of accepting excruciating sciatica pain. Acceptance of the pain when I am lying flat on a floor on a foam mat, helps me focus on recovery and makes me capable of visualizing myself walking and running and working again soon. Great post. It gave me the wings :) Thank you Ali.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #2

I shall surely consider your suggestion dear Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris. Thank you for your support and suggestion.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

منذ 5 سنوات #1

These are lovely. Looks like you are on a roll! BTW, have you considered creating a curated collection (wake) of your quotes and/or articles and share that will your audience?

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