Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات · 3 دقائق وقت القراءة · ~100 ·

مدونة Ali
Fibonacci-Based Organizations

Fibonacci-Based Organizations





Nature is the biggest teacher. We may draw lessons from nature that we are drawing now from advanced sciences such as neuroscience. One example is how to motivate and influence people. Another example is the building of what I coin “Fibonacci-Based Organizations”. I shall explain both examples in this buzz as they are interrelated.

While preparing for the writing of this buzz my friend Edward Lewellen published a buzz titled “Your beliefs might be wrong”. In his buzz he wrote “I also believe that much of what is taught about leadership and motivation at universities and colleges is behind the times and need updating. Why? Because recent neuroscience tells a different story about humans and the way we should be led and motivated. I believe that Tony Robbins had it right for decades with his "Six Human Needs" because neuroscience has recently (2008) discovered a motivational formula very similar called SCARF”. SCARF is the acronym of five words as the following image explains better than words.











The Trees Metaphor

The five factors that play a significant part in motivating people defined by SCARF and the question within they are in synchronicity with nature are questions that clouded my mind for some time. I find that trees in a forest are not only a good metaphor, but also sheds light on how to apply SCARF successfully. Let me start the discovery journey.

Status- this factor relates to the positioning of somebody within the society. Not paying attention to a person or ignoring his presence make him feel unimportant. This and feeling can turn into a strong de-motivator. The reverse is true. Feeding people with impressions or actions that make them feel they have a high societal status will motivate them.

In a forest status plays a key role in the “trees society”. The high trees (high-status employees) have different status and opportunities that low trees (low-status employees). Because of differing needs low and high trees differ in their motivators. For example, high trees have more access to light, lower their wood density to grow higher. The low trees need protection and therefore grow high-density wood to resist risks surrounding them such as damage and deceases. Motivation depends on where we are on the status-ladder. High-status employees are motivated by opportunities to grow high; low-status employees by feeling protected and away from damage.

Certainty, Autonomy, Fairness and Relatedness- Even SCARF separates these four factors I fund them closely intertwined. This has to do a lot with the term I coin “Self-Organizing Growth”. Let me explain. A big de-motivator for employees is finding themselves going chaotically in different directions. Losing direction is perplexing and stressful. Changing path is a strong stressor. This is against the need to change directions sometimes to remain agile to the changing climate of business. I may coin here the termdirection stressors”. The trees in a forest know exactly how to deal with issue by still changing directions purposefully and in an organized pattern so that they may grow without inhibiting other trees from growing. How the trees do that? By growing in a simple and repeated fashion as is explained by the following quote. If the central stem of a plant is looked at closely, it can be seen that as the plant grows upward, leaves or branches sprout off of the stem in a spiraling pattern. In other words, in an over-simplified example, the plant grows up an inch, and a leaf or branch sprouts out of the stem. Then the plant grows up another inch, and once again a leaf or branch sprouts out, but this time it sprouts out in a different direction than the first”. Each leaf shoots out in a different direction. Surprisingly, this is no random direction. Moving up from the base, each successive leaf spirals around the branch at an angle of roughly 137.5 degrees. Amazingly, this angle is a Fibonacci angel. I f we divide 137.5/360 we get 0.38 and that this 0.62 from 1. Fantastic as the Golden Ratio of 0.62 is organizing what seemed to be a chaotic growth. This self-organizing growth not only leads to similar growth at all scales but provides all leaves and branches of a tree to have fairness of exposure to light and humidity.

There is a big managerial lesson here that for companies to grow they have to grow in such a pattern to allow employees to have fairness in their exposure to the “light of information” and other resources. The growth is self-motivated and is propelled if done with fairness and autonomy by allowing for the formation of self-organized teams. I coin here another term. It is “The butterfly effect of fairness”. Should the angel of rotation change slightly from 137.5 degrees the healthy growth of a tree (organization” shall be endangered for the exposure to light shall be disturbed drastically. Fairness is a crucial factor for managers and team leaders to overlook or deviate slightly from.

A great value of self-organizing trees (organizations) is keeping relatedness of clusters (teams) close and in conformity. Feeling social-strangeness is a cause of feeling threatened. This de-motivator is removed by feeling the relatedness with whom employees work. Even trees care for this factor and similar trees adjust their growth so as not to obscure light from the low branches.

Social growth of employees is an integral part of the growth of any organization and without which de-motivation, lack of happiness and disengagement cloud the work environment.
Ali Anani
Added in Proof- the comments of Harvey Lloyd prompted me to add the modified SCARF as below. Consistency is the sunshine that makes the balls of the SCARF pendulum work in harmony and allow the growth of seeds such as seed leaders.


Ali Anani

منذ 3 سنوات #76

Thank you @Sarah Tylor. Will visit the link

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #75

Nice projects indeed

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #74

Great and we share the same thinking Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador. I lost my password for WordPress. As soon I get a new one I shall comment on your thoughtful post there.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #73

Thank you Angelina Souren and you are correct Your comment is consistent with my devotion of more than 40% of my posts to nature-derived lessons in management, finance, behavior and other topics. We are far still inferior to nature. Our ability to utilize solar energy is less than 10%. In contrast, a marine species has silica shell that allows her to use more than 95% of light. This is just to give one example of how much we are behind nature and that we should learn from it.

Ali Anani

منذ 4 سنوات #72

You are not a great dancer only dear Savvy Raj; you are also a person who makes my heart dance with joy. Keep the musical comments coming

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #71

Thank you Javier \ud83d\udc1d C\u00e1mara Rica for sharing this buzz. By the way, this buzz till today is the subject of many emails I keep receiving discussing this buzz in private.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #70

Will consider. Thank you

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #69

The closest analogy that comes to my mind my friend Harvey Lloyd is sacrifice. A "tall" anf high-positioned leaders understand that he/she has the responsibility to give direction in chaos and to protect the employees because he/she takes responsibility. Instead of putting the blame on other he/she takes the risk and blame to protect team members. This way trust and people do better because they sense they are protected. The drop of leaves allows shorter trees to have more exposure to light and to grow. May be (who is always undeclared co-author because of his marvelous contributions to the discussion) have other analogies. Does this make sense to you Jean?

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #68

Growth is a complex process dear Debasish Majumder. The quality of seeds and the environment are among the important factors. The seed might be of high quality and yet the harsh environment might might kill them. The space you allow for the seeds, the farmer and the soil are also important factors. The farmer is the leader. He is only one factor. He has no control on all factors. The seeds of our actions are the same. They may grow, but the toxicity of the environment may kill the seeds.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #67

sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee, seed itself is an intriguing constituent as it too possess upward and downward trend! i guess, it cannot be treated as a constant one. do you really think an ordinary man could envisage and accordingly act in accordance with the trend of SCARF? how one could judge the potentiality of a seed? whether it may buried without any result or it may produce fruits is entirely enigma to us! though out of our experience we may gain fruits, but in many occasions we observe an abortive result.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #66

Amen Harvey! And I know the lauguage of which you speak #70 in your first sentance, for I have heard and recognised it to. For want of another word then Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee, THIS is intuition then!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #65

I was thinking in terms of Venn diagram. So, I meant more the overlapping of the two circles and not mistakenly their synchronization . You are right

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #64

I agree with study, but not sure if we can ever synchronize the two positions. As in dancing so goes leadership. Someone has to lead. This means they worry about how the ratio is set up so that the most can find passage. The team member is agreeing that they can transit the course established, or not. Two very different paradigms to explore. This doesnt mean the two circles dont have some overlap it suggests that the leader maybe considered the head of the body while i might be the feet or another part of the corporate body. Does the head offer me to be the best within transporting it around the world. Or does it keep me stifled in some self serving role where i offer no influence as what the foot is stepping in. If the head wont listen to the signal from the foot that “we” have just stepped into a meadow muffin then i cant find my SCARF. I merely want to wash off the muffin juices and get on with something different.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #63

This is another dimension Harvey Lloyd- self-serving language versus motivating language. You remind me of the discussions we had on one of my previous buzzes and whether thoughts or words come first. Words Eventually both lead to action. So, the language we use shall affect the response. I have to revisit the buzz/ comments section.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #62

I have learned to pick out the langauge of control and can see it when it appears. We all know it as we sense it even though we dont understand its langauge. This sensing is when we her self serving langauge as opposed to langauge that helps us engage the golden ratio with success. You are correct, thousands of years of history has sought to answer these questions, i dont believe we will cover the history within a buzz/comments. But if we can shed a little light across the box top of the jigsaw puzzle, maybe, just maybe we can find a few more pieces to fit into the ongoing puzzle of life. For me if you would like to turn the light of wisdom off begin using control langauge. We cant seek wisdom within that langauge. Only darkness.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #61

No i dont think you far off the mark, you are at the center of the reservation of understanding. Post modern theory suggests that “a group” of well intentioned folks can layout the path of order to avoid chaos. Media shows us this in commercials, news and social reporting. I am OK with influencing my thoughts towards a better society as i evolve within my own shadow self. It is another story when this group, however described, wants to establsih a golden ratio for all to walk. We each of these they take over we give up a little freedom. If we use SCARF as a measurement of individaul wellness, then who or whom should control the measurements? The group or me? When we ask the leader to take measurement of my SCARF and be that manager and many others do the same, not only does conflict exist i now am at the mercy of the leaders best homogenation of these diverse SCARF measurements. No, for me, my leader needs to shine brightly, be consistent and influence me to manage my own SCARF. In return i will honor the leader with my best. (For you Lisa Vanderburg, you know where this ancient text resides.) Do not and i repeat do not attempt to vaccum pack my SCARF into a standard bowl of jello and tell me i will be happy. Even those who support such a systematic approach will become unhappy and revolt. I will manage my own chaos myself thank you. I would appreciate any storyline that may influence me to better decisions. The frog in a rising tempreture pot is the storyline here.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #60

You "disrupt" my mind and make me think dear Lisa Vanderburg. Believe me we too find ourselves out of the loop sometimes. But this is how we rethink our understandings and evolve them. Who knows reality? I am doing two parallel researches. One is about learning from nature to develop ideas. The more I dive, the deeper the ocean gets. So, please keep on throwing the baby idea with the bath-water to clean our minds.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #59

I'm humbled for the shout our my dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee - thank you! I too am intrigued by Harvey's #62 "When we dump this responsibility off on leaders we give away our freedom of choice". To be honest, I'm so far out of the loop on this huge and awesome buzz, I can't do much credit to it. That said, this nature of which you both speak (sorta throwing the baby out with the bath-water), is is deliberate? To cover one's backside? Please ignore me if I've gone off too far :)

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #58

This comment needs a buzz to respond to. It does. When we grow as individuals we may grow in the fashion of the spiral Fibonacci. This is if we want to keep our uniformity, and harmony. Influence the Golden Circle, but don't disturb it by trying to control it. Control is not a form of positive feedback as it retards our growth and confine it to grow like us to grow hie way and style. To be living is to be growing for if a plant doesn't grow it dies. The controller by retarding our growth or inhibiting it is in fact trying to write our death certificate. That is why I find your comments so invigorating my friend Harvey Lloyd as they influence me to grow healthily.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #57

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee its interesting you stated “result of feedback”. I am gathering some thoughts around the idea that the post modern experience that, birthed at the “enlightenment” and perfected at the ‘50’s forward, has reduced our ability to influence one another. It appears we all wish to control the others thinking. So even within influence we attempt to manifest the thoughts into a form of control and respond from that paradigm. I am sensing that in someway humanity has began to think that we have arrived at the end of the golden ratio or full understanding of our existance. Our words certainly describe this arrival but when i look at the outcome of the words, anxiety is increasing within post modern social understanding. Just as a reference we find this exact same paradigm after the first two hundred years of the Roman Empire. It didnt end well for them. This arrival though carries with it a fallacy that we are smarter today than the Romans. I cant question this because i dont disagree with the technical aspects of the statement. Where i disagree is that within the steps of of the golden ratio individuals must walk the spiral, not groups or ideals, “ME”. I appreciate how you influence me along my individaul journey. Many who are wrapped up deeply with the Post Modern experienment seem to be wanting control of my golden ratio journey. They wish to be build a standard model golden ratio and place me on it. I reject this. One of the reasons our eclectic group of far flung connections are enjoying the feedback is we all attempt to influence and not control each other. The consequence of this is a wonderful new langauge that has been lost. The langauge of influence within a shared journey.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #56

Harvey Lloyd- I think a study of the SCARF (or, modified SCARF as suggested in this buzz) for both leaders and team members would give us a visual representation of how best to synchronize the two. This idea is worthy of further exploration.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #55

Very interesting comment and I paused on this line "When we dump this responsibility off on leaders we give away our freedom of choice". This is truly paradoxical as we tend to give freely our willingness to choose to the leader and then complain about having no choice!!! I have just commented on the buzz that our sweet "and bitter" friend Lisa Vanderburg by writing " You set marvelous simple rules for parenthood. They serve as leadership rules. How to keep the authenticity of other while showing them what you think is the right way". This buzz and your comment too in my head.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #54

Given the discussion here i would think that we can see SCARF from two positions. As a leader i must insure that SCARF is possible by the cultivated culture within the organization. As a team member i must try and understand the cultivated culture and how the steps within the golden ratio apply to me so that SCARF works out in my life. I talk about leadership in many of my comments but would like to expand the team member concept within the realm of SCARF. Team members have more to do than the leader. They must first evaluate the golden ratio of success created by the leader and determine if they can survive, contribute and understand the path to success. The team member must also assess their skills and see where within the corporate structure they would need additional understanding/skills. In short each side of SCARF (leader/team member) has a role to play. We cant dump it on either side of the equation in whole. Unfortunately we are holding leaders today to garenteed SCARF success within a diverse group of people. I struggle within my own concepts of SCARF without existencial pressures. So how could i ask a leader to fix mine? This also has a unintended consequence. When we dump this responsibility off on leaders we give away our freedom of choice. We allow leaders to choose through regulations or torts what is acceptable or not. If “I” cant find balance with SCARF under a leader i must find a new leader, not convince the one that is present their wrong. If we all did this leadership would change due to attrition instead of fiat. SCARF is interesting as we look at both sides of creation and created. Stimulus. SCARF. Response Maybe SCARF demands a seat between these two subjective realities. As a tool of understanding how the response should be packaged.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #53

I only reflected your thoughts. Again, this image is the result of feedback and how we learn from each other Harvey Lloyd

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #52

Now that image is one that truly alights with leaderships potential. I like that one:)

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #51

I have added an image to this buzz based on the great feedback from Harvey Lloyd. This is the value of beBee as an interactive platform

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #50

"Leaders operate above this understanding as they must insure the cohesive actions produce a culture where each human can find a path that enhances theirs and the corporations experience".A quote to be remembered Harvey Lloyd

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #49

`You shall notice that Harvey Lloyd that I added a modified SCARF to the end of this buzz. I am impressed by your thoughts. I hope the new image reflects your thinking. The sunlight of consistency provided the healthy environment for the SCARF factors to synchronize their movement and for the seeds to grow.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #48

I agree Jerry Fletcher human nature is at the basis for the “best of times and worst of times”. Although many great minds have written about it, tried to explain it we seem doomed to find the same patterns in existance. But with each cycle we tend to learn more and live better. I have found that each individaul has a belief system. This is derived from religion, personal narrative or the post modern experience. From that they need the SCARF understanding to be met. Leaders operate above this understanding as they must insure the cohesive actions produce a culture where each human can find a path that enhances theirs and the corporations experience. The military addresses this in two ways, they own you and they send you to boot camp. Fortunately in the private sector we cant do either. The golden ratio helps us place words/langauge at each point of the environment that a team member would have to walk through to understand the way to success. Leaders can then access the journey in the way the ratio lays out the langauge. The ratio shows the small steps up front with the exponential growth on the outer rings. One of the inner rings of the concept for our firm is learning the langauge of positive communications within negative paradigms. This langauge is very much a part of the Police, emergency medical and firefighters. If we can find a langauge within conflict that propels us forward, exponential growth happens. If we only have defensive lanagauge then the leader is stuck with an immovable object.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #47

I think SCARF is great as we evaluate the needs of our team members. The consistenty discussed here, within the metophor of the sun, is described as the how or energy the leader should project. Because we are introduced to research that SCARF is what humans need we lead around the words. Most definitively we define the words around our narrative and think this will help others. Designing a corporate culture around your belief system will help you shine across these four domains consistently. Giving each team member a chance to find their way to meeting the terms of SCARF. I have found in leadership, success is something we help others with indirectly. They are the seed. Leaders insure the corporate culture is fertile and provide the energy needed along with weeding. SCARF is a great concept. If i were to be honest in this discussion, my concern with most acronym styled leadership concepts are attempting to place on leaders the responsibility of the seed growing. Leaders have the responsibility to create an environment of growth but cant force the seed to grow. No environment is perfect. Somehow somewhere we have begun to hold leaders accountable for every seed. The leader that takes on this responsibility is or will be in total chaos. Your nature metaphors tend to draw out this phenomina quite nicely. The sun is not worried about the seeds that trees drop. It just shines and does its part.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #46

It is obvious that the Fibonacci-based organization is a rarely-searched field. I have just found a good reference on some efforts to understand the applications of Fibonacci in management, You may be only interested in Section 3 (page 6) of this downloadable PDF file. For example, in financial management what could be the optimal ratio of debt/equity. The answer is "Debt/Equity ratio (it might be that the optimal solution might be close to the Golden Ratio, which is app. 1.618, which would mean that the optimal capital structure for a company would be around 62% debt and 38% capital), The uses of Fibonacci in management functions are covered in this document with some examples.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #45

On the contrary you add richness and expansion of the author's idea with your probing comments Harvey Lloyd. Your comments are most welcome because you express your thoughts with sheer desire to widen the scope of the author and reader alike. I shared your message because it is so deep and I felt I shall be dishonest if I keep the message for myself and not share it.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #44

Jerry Fletcher- this is very true "I like the idea that the path upward is a ramp; not a ladder but the gain required is not same for each step of the way". This is the way to learn and evolve.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #43

We learn and develop each other Jerry Fletcher. We become aware of what we need to know and learn. Yes, the Fibonacci angle has so many interesting features. One good reference that is easy to absorb is this one

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #42

Harvey Lloyd- you mentioned "The Sun/Leader can only be consistent in delivering the corporate culture consistently". May be we should reconsider SCARF and upgrade it to include Consistency. Then it should read "SCCARF".

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #41

dear Lisa Vanderburg- small and short trees are protected by the longer trees who have the Fibonacci distribution so that they don't block sunlight from small and short trees. This is true if the trees have close relatedness to each other. The leaves drop to allow light to reach the low-lying trees. Tree are wise- sometimes more than we are.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #40

hey...if you're stepping out, I'm stepping off....the cliff! You know me; the worm on the fishing line thinking I'm king of the hill because I got 360 vision :) Yes, chaos is the norm. The minute we think otherwise is the moment of all containment lost. Don't know how you guys do it - the ultimate juggling act while in close observation and anaysis of all that goes on around you!

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #39

Thanks Harvey, Human nature is, at times for me just like learning to jitterbug. As Jimmy Buffet put it "It plumb eludes me." But I'm on the spiral and perhaps a breakthrough is coming...

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #38

I appreciate you sharing this communication. Sometimes i sense i may be stepping beyond the writers intentions with my comments. Its ok to let me know i am doing so. It is not my wish to drive a conversation opposite its intended direction. Chaos was a part of life for a millennia now all of a sudden chaos is part of a cause and effect fluidity where we can fix these causes and live in utopia. I would desperately like to be wrong about this. But each society that has believed that utopia exists has failed with untenable results. Most of my comments launch from this perspective. Chaos is a permant fixture and we need to learn the skills required to navigate each gate it presents. Your thoughts here represent various understandings of these skills, understandings and potential actions within chaos.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #37

If i am reading into your comment i would say you understand it quite well. Regulations tend to circumvent the golden ratio. I am not saying this doesnt work in certain applications. But the ratio as described will be served, regardless of our interventions. Each step within the sequence prepares us for the next. Sometimes big things, but i have always sensed that it was nuance understanding that we gained in mass at each step. With each step the learning becomes more intrinsic and less skill. It also takes longer as we shake off youthful philosophy and trade it for reality. Based on our narritive some steps take a short term and others a long time. This gets into the big five character traits laid out by Jung many years ago. Much longer storyline. For me the golden ratio is a treasure map for each individaul. The map shows the course you will have to take within a given set of circumstances. The organization could be the hinderence to your advancing at a pace through these or you could be. None the less it is a overlay we can use to anticipate the next steps that would be seen as valued within the chosen organization.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #36

Harvey, Yes, this mathematical approach is fascinating. Hadn't thought about the "corporate ladder" approach you suggest. I like the idea that the path upward is a ramp; not a ladder but the gain required is not same for each step of the way. It is fairly easy to 2 but from 3 on the required knowledge, experience etc. one must acquire grows ever larger. That alone is sufficient for youngsters with great expectations and no experience to consider if they want to rise to the top. What if we plotted the bias most organizations have (race, gender, age) against the standard sequence...

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #35

Dr. Ali, Thank you for responding. For me the Fibonacci sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on with each succeeding number being the sum of the previous 2 preceding numbers. I'll dive into studying more about applications of Fibonacci's mathematical discoveries but I'm not familiar with the 137 degree angle and spiral you discussed. There are wonderful illustrations of the sequence demonstrating the golden ratio by applying the spiral over the first 6 numbers in the sequence rendered as blocks. This is one of the iconic ways of looking at just about any activity of man from art and architecture to music. But it is most common in nature. This brief video is a superb way tosee the application from a pine cone to the wheel of the galaxy.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #34

If i am reading your comment correctly then you would state that chaos is a bad thing and can be managed out of the system? Bad people and bad things happen to all who attempt to move forward. Chaos. The SUn/Leader can only be consistent in delivering the corporate culture consistently. Given a good culture the bad people bad situations can be handled by the individuals experiencing these conditions. Within corporate culture standards and with the full impact of a AI pe recourse. My comment was somewhat satirical. Saplings dont scream at the sun, they find a way to get within its life give it power. If we are productive then we are at the edge of chaos all the time. Not meaning the hounds of Baskerville here, but rather we are stretching from current circumstances to make it better. The alternative is to shake our fist at the sun. I have done this a few times and got sunburned. The leaders objective is to create a culture whereby everyone is watching for all predators and has authority to deal with said predators. I get your point and would say yes, predators exist. But an organization has many parts that predators can bite. Shame on the leader who hasn’t prepared his/her teams for the predator and given them authority to address the issues.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #33

#29 yeah, but you guys know what you're talking about :) #39 Harvey's comment [sun as leader of the trees] '....I pictured small saplings screaming at the sun to provide lighter so they could grow too.' This makes me think of time-lapse photography; the saplings spinning so quickly they fail to notice the natural predators picking off their neighbors and comin' for them. That then, is the sun's job if it's the leader. But a culling will be had.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #32

Part 2 of Harvey's message: California wineries in their early stages of development thought that by providing “perfect growing conditions” they could rival their European competitors. They found perfection created a bland grape and ultimately wine. They now stress the grape with water and other ways and the grape responds by producing a richer grape and therefore a richer wine. I don’t drink wine so I can’t speak to the value of any. But this establishes that as leaders we just need to be consistent to our flock rise every morning and set every evening on time. Provide the same energy consistently and the flock will adapt and become better at what they do. One of the best compliments I have ever been paid is one of my managers years ago said, “Well we all know what Harvey would say.” I knew then that my shinning sun was consistent. Not perfect but consistent. You are knocking on the right doors with your post and thoughts. When your sun is shining consistently you always know that some trees are benefiting, count those blessings and let the screaming trees scream. They too, will eventually find their path within the consistency.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #31

Apart from the exchanges of comments here, Harvey Lloyd and I exchanged private messages on the buzz. The last message of Harvey is worthy, thoughtful and illuminating. I felt the urge to share most of it with the readers. If you look at the background image of this buzz I intentionally added a lamp. I could have (and may should have added the sun image instead). This is to relate the buzz more to the readers and to Harvey's comment. Part 1 of Harvey's' message. Your thoughts had me chuckling again this morning. If we could see the sun as the leader of the trees need to grow in spirals, as they need the energy, we can look at leaders. I pictured small saplings screaming at the sun to provide lighter so they could grow too. like the natural progressing growth, humans tend to look at the sun/leader and expect them to provide the correct amount of life so all of SCARF is ok. If i am to be the leader and provide the energy for the forest/people to grow, my best will always be to shine, on time and be consistent. The only way this transfers from natural world to nutrient rich leadership is through a belief system that a group can share. Our ancestors showed us the way and we ignore them through big ideas of SCARF. If you are a leader then you are a Shepard. Learn to be a Shepard and your flock will grow and provide you with success.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #30

I simple fell in love with your comment. I may even have done better if I drew the SCARF image in the buzz as a network and not as a star. This is because the SCARF Factor feedback to each other. Handling them separately could lead us astray. I am watching now how birds fly and form a v_flying pattern. If we carefully observe this pattern we shall notice that it follows Fibonacci angle (137.5 degrees). The interactions between individual birds led to this emergent property. It wasn't planned. I assume that SCARF is the set of interactive simple rules that may lead to the emergence of a Fibonacci-based organization. I emphasize here the words emergent patterns because they mean they were not planned or expected. here comes the role of leaders. They set the simple rules with the awareness that they interact and observe what emerges. Then they work backwards to try to understand what caused the emergence of a certain trend, phenomenon, or whatever. Your comment provides the probing tool just to do this. SO much to think about.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #29

This is usually where i get in trouble with acronym styled leadership scenarios. SCARF brings forward and labels the complex systems while not revealing the underlying causal systems. Certainty and fairness are of the same system. Certainty is a principal that rests with a belief system of shared values. This same system gives us confidence that even if i fail or misstep i will be treated Fairly. Autonomy is the weird one. Yes i want to be individaul and be able to see my contribution but yet i want to be Related within group. These two cant exist without the other two being in place first. If certainty and fairness are not bound up in a belief system that is easily understood Autonomy will grow to megalomania. Relatedness in this individaul will be irrelevant. These words float upon a groups belief systems. By belief system i mean religion, corporate culture (That is shown in action, not just words.) or a social group whereby a natural system of understanding forms. Again i believe the coaching field is growing because of the belief system failure to form has blinded many leaders as they chase the social issues of the day. People are watching leaders and how they sort out complex social issues and see themselves as safe or headed for disaster. This is the Certainty/fairness aspect. You may act within corporate policy on an individaul within guidlines, but.....many others are watching and wondering how these guidlines will work in their minds, under similar circumstances. This is the belief system of each unique individaul attempting to read the tea leaves of current action against their future relatedness. Corporate, family and social culture floats atop a belief system. We can attack all the SCARF we feel is necessary, but if the individaul sees shifting sands of belief within leadership, no individaul can find balance with SCARF.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #28

Good day dear Lisa Vanderburg- you spiral on my friend. You mentioned before the issue of survival. Harvey Lloyd also highlighted this issue in his comment #29. Your bring important issues to the discussion.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #27

#31 right, dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee; graphs befuddle me! Good thing fibonacci isn't flat! :)

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #26

I tremendously enjoyed reading your line "The principals of the golden ratio is something that challenges us to create but are so complex that they are elusive once we look past history and into the future". I wish I had the right to re-publish a graph from this reference to show an advanced thinking of how the spiral proceeds in reality: I consider the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci numbers as guideline for thinking. We can never be exact or sure of what the future unfolds into. But we may cause the formation of repeated patterns that help us make better guess of the future. AT least we have awareness of what we do and the opportunity to learn and grow. I see this in accordance with you "By recognizing the existence of a natural pattern of order we can realize we have a role to play". No firm plans, but simple guideline to help us grow as trees grow.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #25

You noticed my friend Harvey Lloydn my writing in the buzz "Certainty, Autonomy, Fairness and Relatedness- Even SCARF separates these four factors I fund them closely intertwined. This has to do a lot with the term I coin “Self-Organizing Growth”. I also highlighted this concept in the background image. This is done so as not to treat these factors as silos and to highlight the fact that they feedback to each other. Without feedback no spirals shall form. So, changing one factor may change all other factors. I agree with your deep insight that treating them as if these factors had constant levels and remaining at the same level isn't the reality. You wrote "When we look at the golden ratio within nature we see survival at the basis"- agreed and the comment of our friend Lisa Vanderburg#26 and my response are in support of your thoughts here.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #24

Than you for the share my friend Lisa. I would complete the loop to live and learn to live and learn at higher levels

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #23

My dear friend- to wake up and start the day is a gift for me dear Lisa Vanderburg. I must say I didn't even think of notifying you directly or indirectly of this buzz for I know you aren't that friendly with graphs and analysis. So, your feedback is of high value of me this time. you are smart to think of the butterfly of survival. This is exactly why in systems experiencing this phenomenon becomes the prime issue.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #22

These are very deep and metaphysical concepts as we delve into the qautum mechanics of leadership. The principals of the golden ratio is something that challenges us to create but are so complex that they are elusive once we look past history and into the future. By recognizing the existance of a natural pattern of order we can realize we have a role to play. Nature shows us the natural patterns of physical laws. Within this we have to add the human consiousness to the steps forward. This is where it gets really hairy. I also believe that this pattern is unique to your specific organization. This is somewhat supported by what we see in in corporate coaching growing across all industries. Although there are some macro things we can digest and include within our styles/skills each organization has a creation unique to their founders and sacred truths. Having read some of Edward Lewellen posts I believe they see this creation story of each organization in this way. Certainly there exists guidelines within the golden ratio we can discuss, but in the end the ratio and its terminal success is within the unique creation of the organization.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #21

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee I am always challenged by such SCARF measures or breakdowns. In many of the cases where we wish to prove something we set the experiment up and measure outcomes. I agree with SCARF as we see it from the outside. But like all views from an external position we see outcomes. Also in many experienments conditions apply. The variables apply differently when risk changes. So how these five observations are weighted within given risk profiles, will change the use of this as a tool. The Myers-Briggs personality testing is useful but how each letter is weighted within the individaul can change the generalizations of observation. The golden ratio is something that really baffles myself. Much similar to chaos theory. Looking to the future we see randomness while in history we find patterns. The patterns do give us langauge to assess future events but we should use caution as we express the past as a guaranteed future. When we look at the golden ratio within nature we see survival at the basis. This is quite different than when we, as humans, seek to enhance our environment or success. We operate well above survival. The golden ratio somehow plays out when we assess history. But going forward its hard to predict how the ratio will play out according to our own design/needs/wants. Nature is up against known natural physical laws and the ratio applies. We operate where we can bend these laws to our advantage.

Harvey Lloyd

منذ 5 سنوات #20

Jerry Fletcher the Fibonacci sequence is really no different than the fact that steps at your home or commercial space range between 6 3/4 inch to 7 1/4 if I remember my code correctly. Our natural stepping pattern is we expect steps to be that high and we dont think about them. When we stumble within the steps we recognize something is wrong. Within organizations these steps or fibinacci sequence of growth and development should be naturally laid out. A person should be able too see their future. The spiral nature of the sequence is something we have lost. For some reason folks feel they should climb the corporate ladder straight from a to b. The spiral nature of trees and other animals allows for development based on conditions and necessary skill development. Human growth is also spiral. We must pass through segments multiple times to gain the wisdom as the spiral reaches outward. I learned the value of fibinacci through stock market trading. It is amazing how the spiral works and shows up. Better for trend trading than day trading though. If a team member cant see this spiral upward movement within their future they will begin to withdraw. If they sense they are better than the spiral of advancement referenced here, then they will arrive at the top and be a major disappointment to the bottom line.

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #19

Live...and learn!

Lisa Vanderburg

منذ 5 سنوات #18

Such beauty you bring...again, dear Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! “The butterfly effect of fairness” I might also think of as 'the butterfly of survival'. For the fibonacci fractals are hard to seperate. Life will find its way. An excellent and thought-provoking buzz!

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #17

You know I wish my time would allow me to write a buzz answering your comment. I would title it "The Chemistry of Change". Many ideas started pouring in my mind dear Debasish Majumder. Please don't forget the hydrogen bomb. This is far more "toxic" than burning carbon. I am sorry to hear about you being diabetic. I guess your doctor told you to worry less about social behavior- a subject that bothers you. Lots of people talk about change. I think the chemical reaction metaphor will lead us into many thinking paths. To change we need to react. Do we know the product? Do we change to be toxic, or too sweetly to cause others to suffer from your condition? What is the role of the reaction environment? Who shall be affected by the change? What are the secondary products of change? What are the conditions to force the change reaction to move forward? I have many other questions looping in my head. I wrote this buzz because I thought the trees developed the SCARF factors before humans outlined this factor in 2008. The advancement of neuroscience showed this factor is the true motivator rather than Maslow's Pyramid. I know if I use images and graphs the idea will be more digestible to the reader. I see great potential for this factor because it affects the way we lead, motivate, persuade and influence others. I want to write the book because not much has been revealed about how this factor would affect our leading styles if we apply it on trees and its derived lessons. I hope I made my point of view clear.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #16

exquisite exchange to enhance me with your exclusive enriching wisdom sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! recently i developed with sugar, that means became a diabetic patient. Hydrogen with Carbon, one is non toxic and other can create immense toxicity by virtue of reaction! one as ethyl and one as methyl! one can produce antibiotics, alcohol, other can directly take toll of life and surprisingly occur in nature where plant plays the major role! i wonder, are they consult with their chemical conveyors and exchange their intriguing notes to make deliberate effort to save or jeopardize us? despite your hectic schedule can you analyze why exactly trigger you to write this unique buzz? even i wonder, before photosynthesis how Hydrogen and Carbon used to play the key role for making the ground work for photosynthesis! is it to ensure our life consciously?

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #15

and we humans tend to shorten with darkness. Great to read your comments again Pascal Derrien

Pascal Derrien

منذ 5 سنوات #14

I think trees are not as twisted as human beings when it comes to change because they tend to grow with light.....:-)

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #13

You have Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado a great philosophy of life and the need to pause sometimes. "From the perspective as a reader, a clearer vision of the need to deepen the hidden virtues that we must discover to value and value ourselves, and of our own the duty to learn, in turn, to sustain new ideas that will be inserted into the original thought, that which is profound as all constructive and progressive feeling about the great passions of creating projects of a positive nature". I wonder why you don't share them in a buzz! I think you should

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #12

Your comment stirs my mind my dear Debasish Majumder. You I am very busy preparing for my next trip, but still writing this buzz was a challenge for me. Your comment is equally challenging. You said "y cannot perceive and analyze, which alone human are endowed with! trees unknowingly make all gestures regarding growth and societal behaviors..." This is the surprise that recent studies have shown that trees communicate and signal to each other through release of messenger chemicals. They don't use words to communicate, but they have their means of alerting each other. There is an interesting post that I read recently if trees talk to each other. There is saying that the waste of a party is the starting material for another party. So, we exhale carbon dioxide for trees to inhale and use in photosynthesis to make sugars. It is not as important who exhales and what as much as their is another party making use of the exhale and turning it into sugar. Imagine if we don't exhale carbon dioxide what would trees use for photosynthesis! So much to dream about my friend.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #11

heaven or hell perhaps a intriguing picture only perhaps men can construe sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! enjoyed immensely. thank you for the buzz sir.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #10

Your express your philosophy of selection in a poetic way dear Debasish Majumder. I smiled upon your reasoning why you would choose hell rather than heaven. I follow I thank you for your potential comment and for sharing the buzz.your steps You convinced me. internal motivation when coupled with the desire to remain social and have belonging foster the internal motivation to organize. Leave and branches form the trees society and they have the motivation to self-organize and grow in different directions so as not to block each other. Trees teach us a lot about growth, self-organizing and rules of societal behavior. I wonder which path trees would prefer- the path to heaven or the path to hell!! I thank you also for sharing the buzz.

Debasish Majumder

منذ 5 سنوات #9

excellent buzz sir Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee! if i have been asked to choose between hell and heaven, obviously i will tend to choose hell, as hell is comprising of kings, queens, prince and princess, barons, capitalists and of course serfs and middle class and lower middle classes and poor people. but, on contrary, in heaven, only saints, seers, pontiffs, monks and beggars(surely, begging is also an art of living with ingratiation with ordinary mass)! i am obsessed with the intriguing dichotomy prevailing in our social fabric and i must owe to poet Robert Frost, where he himself was confused to choose the path when he confronted with two different path in the mid of the wood. i do believe nature teach us about the contradiction we confront and our reflection chiefly depends on our assumption, which eventually script our destiny! i guess, motivation is an internal element how it works is still a wonder to me! despite i cannot rule out the external causes greatly influence our motivation. however, wonderful buzz sir. enjoyed read and shared. thank you for the buzz sir.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #8

I greatly appreciate your comment and affirmation dear Clau Valerio. Big thank you

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #7

A bigger hug to you my dear Clau Valerio. I wonder to what percentage the buzz was clear to you! I know the topic is not an easy sail, though greatly inspirational

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #6

Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado- enjoyed the translation of your key point: Without departing from the professional and / or personal essence, it is a virtue to carve in your mind, body and soul the new evolutionary thought that is worthy, makes you / will be worthy and exemplary from generation to generation ... " FROM ILLUSION THE ABILITY TO HAVE THE REALITY EXPOSED AS HOPE?

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #5

Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado- I enjoyed the translation of your comment. I agree with you on the need to pause and breathe. I also like your second paragraph very much. The translation is as below: From the clock "Time" From life "Breathe" From love "Love" From work "Feel useful and necessary" From study "The infinite desire to learn to teach" From the opportunity "Our gratitude" From evolutionary thought "A quantum leap "Of forgiveness" Forgive "Of the will" Our dispositions "Of the great disciple" The neighbor "Of our great heavenly father" God " TO THE FAR AWAY AN IMAGINARY BRIDGE CALLED SHARED DEVELOPMENT? We can start a day without any purpose, making every step we take has no destination, there will be moments where we will be lost and without any direction to cling, then we will stop, we will ask ourselves what we have done well, or that we have done wrong, every moment or fact of life will cause many to generate wrong behavior, behavior which they will want to justify without any reason to be. * There will be moments where we can be very far or very close to your own opportunity, you must believe in yourself (A), you can spend many years, realize in time will be the key to not waste the opportunity, grow and have faith will depend of yourself (A), every detail or particular occasion may pass very fast, so fast that you may not realize what happened, you will have to be able to react to what is happening to you or what you are building, important be attentive, every day you must be able to understand and understand and then accept that great opportunity that life has given you.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #4

Jerry Fletcher- trees in a crowded forest know how to apply the SCARF factors. The trees keep fairness by growing without blocking underneath branches and leaves, they branch out using the Fibonacci angle (137.5) degrees so that all leaves may have equal opportunity to be exposed to light. They do grow with the understanding that the higher branches need to go higher, while the lower branches to get stronger to face damage by animals and hostile weather. They change direction of growth, but to grow spirally and maintain certain growth percentages. I tried to explain each SCARF factor and how it relates to growth and the growth of organization while keeping every branch motivated and self-organized within the social trees. I am sorry if I couldn't explain myself better. This is an important feedback for me because I intend to write an e-book with many illustrations to explain the metaphor. If other readers find the same difficulty then I have to reconsider my plan. The comment of Edward Lewellen comforted me, but your worthy comment makes me stop and pause.

Jerry Fletcher

منذ 5 سنوات #3

Dr. Ali, I once had a client named Filius Bonnaci and so had to learn more about the man, the Fibonnaci sequence and the golden spiral than I ever wanted to. I'm having difficulty here linking the Fibonnaci sequence to the trees/forest analogy in your article. You might say I can't see the forest for the trees. What am I missing?

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #2

I am relieved to get your feedback my friend. I find that what you conclude from neuroscience is very compatible with my conclusions.

Ali Anani

منذ 5 سنوات #1

Dear Edward Lewellen- you are mentioned in this buzz. I was planning to publish it next week, but in respect to your wish I am publishing it now.

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